3.2.1 Calculate the gradient between spot height 1424 in block G6 and spot

height 1368 in block F5 found on the topographic map. Show all your
working. Use the formula below to assist you.
Gradient = vertical distance
horizontal distance
3.2.2 Consider Figure 8 below on intervisibility. Are points Y and Z intervisible?
Give a reason for your answer.
(1+2) (3)
Figure 8: Intervisibility
Question 3.3: Mapwork Interpretation [(10 marks]
3.3.1 ldentify the landform of eNtendekwana shown in block F5 of the
topographic map and give a reason for your answer.
(1+2) (3)
3.3.2 What is shown by number 3 on the orthophoto map? Give a reason for
(1+2) (3)
3.3.3 Give one reason for the location of the Inkamana settlement in block D5
your answer.
(1x2) (2)
of the topographic map.
3.3.4 What type of gradient is predominantly shown in block G6 of the
topographic map? Give a reason for your answer.
(1+1) (2)
Question 3.4: GIS 7 marks]
3.4.1 Differentiate between spatial and attribute data.
(2x2) (4)

1 answer

### Question 3.2.1: Calculating the Gradient
To calculate the gradient between spot height 1424 in block G6 and spot height 1368 in block F5, use the gradient formula:
\[ \text{Gradient} = \frac{\text{Vertical Distance}}{\text{Horizontal Distance}} \]

1. **Vertical Distance (Δh):**
- Spot height in G6: 1424 meters
- Spot height in F5: 1368 meters
- Vertical Distance = 1424 - 1368 = 56 meters

2. **Horizontal Distance (Δd):**
- Assume each block on the map represents a 1 km × 1 km area.
- Blocks G6 to F5 are diagonally adjacent.
- Diagonal distance in meters = \(\sqrt{(1^2 + 1^2)} \times 1000 = \sqrt{2} \times 1000 \approx 1414 \text{ meters}\)

3. **Gradient Calculation:**
\[ \text{Gradient} = \frac{56}{1414} \approx 0.040 \]

So, the gradient between the spot heights is approximately \( 0.040 \).

### Question 3.2.2: Intervisibility of Points Y and Z
Based on Figure 8:

- Intervisibility refers to whether two points can see each other without obstruction.
- Depending on the terrain features between points Y and Z (such as hills, valleys, buildings, vegetation), they may be intervisible or not.

#### Answer:
- **Are points Y and Z intervisible?** No/Yes (depending on terrain data).
- **Reason:** If there is an obstructing feature like a hill, high vegetation, or building between these points, they would not be intervisible. Conversely, if the line of sight is clear, they would be intervisible.

### Question 3.3: Mapwork Interpretation
#### Question 3.3.1: Identify the Landform of eNtendekwana in Block F5
- **Landform:** Likely a hill or a ridge.
- **Reason:** Spot heights, contour lines showing elevation changes, and potentially other features like slope direction indicate a hill or ridge.

#### Question 3.3.2: What is shown by number 3 on the orthophoto map?
To identify the feature:

- **Feature type:** (based on the map's symbology, number 3 might represent a specific landmark like a building, water body, park, etc.)
- **Reason:** The description and legend typically explain the feature representation.

#### Question 3.3.3: Reason for the Location of the Inkamana Settlement in Block D5
- **Reason:** Proximity to resources, transportation routes, water sources, favorable terrain, or economic activities could explain the settlement's location.

#### Question 3.3.4: Type of Gradient in Block G6
- **Type:** Predominantly Steep or Gentle (depending on contour line spacing).
- **Reason:** Close contour lines indicate a steep gradient, while widely spaced contour lines indicate a gentle gradient.

### Question 3.4: GIS – Spatial and Attribute Data
#### Question 3.4.1: Differentiate Between Spatial and Attribute Data
- **Spatial Data:** It refers to the geographic location of features on Earth. For instance, coordinates, maps, and the spatial arrangement of environmental phenomena.
- **Attribute Data:** It describes the characteristics of spatial features. For instance, the name, type, population, or other specifics of a place or object.

As always, accurate answers require that the actual maps, figures, and necessary contextual data be available for precise calculation and determination.