Zn + 2AgNO3.>>>2 Ag + Zn(NO3)2
so for each mole of Zn used, two moles of Ag are produdced
to the ratio of masses Znused/Agproduced=65.4/(2*107l8)
mass Zn left=19-Znused=19-Agproduced(65.4/215)
mass Ag produced=Znused(215/65.4)
solve for Agproduced.
check this reasoning.
2AgNO3 + Zn -> 2Ag + Zn(NO3)2
Put Zn 19g and excessive amount of AgNO3 together in a beaker and start reaction. When Zn is still in a beaker, stop the reaction, and measure the mess of (Zn+Ag). Mass of (Zn+Ag) was 29g. Than what is the mass of Ag in (Zn+Ag)?
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