29. Whig Committee of New York, 199
Whig National Convention of 1852, 132-33
Whig National Convention of 1856, 168
Whig Party, 9, 10, 22, 26, 55, 71, 88-90, 132, 167 agenda of, 43-44 demise of, 130, (NNN) NNNNllllinois election and, 149 of New York, 199-200 All the convention leading up to the election of 1856, the divided and much-diminished Whigs met in Baltimore and decided to throw their support of Milard Filmore and a platform that opposed both Republicans and Democratic. Based on the index
Which of the following pages is most likely to contain the sentence above?
A. 43
B. 132
C. 160
D. 168
30. See chart on photocopy
Which of the following would be the best title for the timeline?
A. Da Vinci and Italian Painting
B. Da Vinci A Life in the Arts
C. Da Vinci A Renaissance Man
D. Vinci and his Great Works
Answer: D – Da Vinci and his Great Works
31. See chart on photocopy of Leonardo da Vinci
Which of the following is a logical conclusion based on the timeline?
A. Da Vinci began work as an apprentice in the Guild of St. Luke at age 20.
B. Da Vinci completed The Last Supper after the turn of the millennium
C. Da Vinci moved to Milan prior to receiving his first commission
D. Da Vinci was more than 50 years old when he began the Mona Lisa
I thank the answers are
29A, 30D, 31D
5 answers
What charts?