Give Answers In A, B, C, or D!

Question What was one impact of the Iranian Revolution on the United States? (1 point) Responses
A. higher oil prices
B. increased terrorism
C. increased military spending

“Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem” --Ronald Reagan, inaugural address, 1981 Based on the quotation, which of the following best reflects Ronald Reagan’s political views? (1 point) Responses
A. He wanted American citizens to return to traditional values.
B. He believed that many problems we face could not be solved.
C. He wanted the government to focus on expanding its relief program.
D. He believed that the government had gained too much power and did not use it well.

Based on the excerpt, what was Bill Clinton’s opinion of the state of affairs in the United States when he was elected president in 1992? (1 point) Responses
A. Clinton thought that healthcare reform and other changes were necessary in the United States.
B. Clinton thought that poverty was less of a problem than the standard of living in the middle class.
C. Clinton thought that the people of the United States should prepare for hard times and mutual sacrifice.
D. Clinton thought that the United States would continue its years of prosperity and economic well-being.

What was the significance of the Moral Majority and the “Contract with America”? (1 point) Responses
A. They both called for an end to all forms of discrimination.
B. They led to increased budget deficits.
C. They triggered more tension over race issues.
D. They were part of a conservative resurgence.

What was a common thread in the fall of communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe? (1 point) Responses
A. a decline in education and health care
B. poor economies and demands for more rights
C. a lack of strong leaders in communist governments
D. support for military alliance with the United States

How did glasnost contribute to the break-up of the Soviet Union? (1 point) Responses
A. Restructuring the economy led to a change in the political structure.
B. By allowing citizens more freedom to travel, people could see what they were missing.
C. Due to cuts in military spending, people were not afraid the army would stop their demonstrations.
D. By allowing citizens to speak openly, people could express their frustrations.

What was the main reason the Soviet Union crumbled in the 1980s? (1 point) Responses
A. Glasnost led to rebellion against communist rule around the world.
B. The Soviet economy could not match U.S. military spending while meeting citizens’ demand for consumer goods.
C. Policies introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev resulted in the Soviet Union losing its main source of
D. income. The United States convinced Soviet leaders to abandon communist economic policies.

Why did the United States most likely offer economic aid to Russia and Eastern Europe during the 1990s? (1 point) Responses
A. to encourage them to break away from the Soviet Union
B. to politically dominate new governments in the region
C. to help stable, democratic governments emerge in the region
D. to encourage nations to quickly join NATO

In President Reagan’s “Take Down This Wall” speech, he compares the success of the West to the failures of the communist world. To what does he attribute the success of the West? (1 point) Responses
A. technology
B. prosperity
C. freedom
D. culture

What is one cost that victory in the Cold War brought to the United States? (1 point) Responses
A. Many new governments emerged in Eastern Europe and opposed the United States.
B. The “peace dividend” people hoped for never came about.
C. The spread of nuclear weapons and general arms race created new dangers for the United States and the world.
D. Many U.S. military bases in European countries were forced to close.

Based on this excerpt, what conclusions can you reach about U.S. goals in South Africa during the mid-1980s? (1 point) Responses
A. The United States wanted more responsibility for South Africa’s economy.
B. The United States public opposed intervention in South Africa’s economy.
C. Congress thought that the South African government was supported by the Soviets.
D. U.S. leaders hoped to bring about peaceful political change in South Africa.

What impact did the Arab-Israeli Wars have on the United States in the 1970s? (1 point) Responses
A. Support for Israel fell in the United States.
B. Closure of the Red Sea shipping lanes hurt American business.
C. OPEC nations stopped oil shipments to the United States.
D. The United States sent military forces to help Israel.

Which U.S. policy would Palestinian supporters of the Palestinian Liberation Organization have most likely preferred? (1 point) Responses
A. continued U.S. support for Israel
B. support for a peace treaty between Israel, Egypt, and Palestine
C. military aid to Yasir Arafat for the fight against Israel
D. support for the overthrow of Yasir Arafat in favor of a democratic government

What term would best describe the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians? (1 point) Responses
A. friendly
B. prosperous
C. hostile
D. distant

How were U.S. interventions in Somalia and Northern Ireland most similar? (1 point) Responses
A. U.S. troops fought alongside U.N. forces in both places.
B. U.S. policy worked to end conflicts between local groups in both places.
C. U.S. efforts successfully ended civil rights and ethnic conflicts in both places.
D. U.S. forces were targets for local hostility and attack in both places.

Which of the following best summarizes the impact of the 2007 recession in the United States? (1 point) Responses
A. It was a fairly short recession and its effects were felt only by the very poor.
B. The recovery was long and difficult, with high unemployment.
C. It affected older, experienced workers more severely than young workers.
D. The recession caused state and local governments to hire more people.

How did Congressional political gridlock during President Obama's administration affect government? (1 point) Responses
A. It gave lobbyists and interest groups increased influence to swing votes.
B. It prevented budget deficits, since no new spending could be implemented.
C. It forced the government to cut spending, since Congress would not approve any new spending.
D. It made passing laws extremely difficult by discouraging compromise.

Which of the following is a positive effect of biotechnology on agriculture? (1 point) Responses
A. It helps create more efficient harvest machinery.
B. It helps produce hardier plants.
C. It results in agriculture that requires more farm labor, increasing employment.
D. It allows computerized planting and harvesting of crops.

How was the reaction to the wave of immigrants coming to America in the 2000s similar to the reaction to immigration in the 1920s? (1 point) Responses
A. Immigrants were welcomed for their labor and contributions to tax revenues and the economy.
B. There was pressure on immigrants to become American citizens to prove their loyalty.
C. In both eras, the American people feared the unknown of what it would be to have immigrants coming to America
D. In the 2000s and the 1920s, the American people feared that Latin American countries would invade the United States.

How was the conflict in Afghanistan different from other conflicts in the region for the United States?
Write in a paragraph

Which answer best describes the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act? (1 point) Responses
A. It created an accurate count of how many people live with disabilities.
B. It raised taxes on people living with disabilities.
C. It increased accessibility and resources for people with disabilities.
D. It made asking for accommodations for a disability more difficult.

User Icon for Bot GPT 3.5 Bot GPT 3.5 answered
7 months ago

A. higher oil prices

D. He believed that the government had gained too much power and did not use it well.
A. Clinton thought that healthcare reform and other changes were necessary in the United States.
D. They were part of a conservative resurgence.
B. poor economies and demands for more rights
B. By allowing citizens more freedom to travel, people could see what they were missing.
B. The Soviet economy could not match U.S. military spending while meeting citizens’ demand for consumer goods.
C. to help stable, democratic governments emerge in the region
C. freedom
C. The spread of nuclear weapons and general arms race created new dangers for the United States and the world.
D. U.S. leaders hoped to bring about peaceful political change in South Africa.
C. OPEC nations stopped oil shipments to the United States.
D. support for the overthrow of Yasir Arafat in favor of a democratic government
C. hostile
B. U.S. policy worked to end conflicts between local groups in both places.
B. The recovery was long and difficult, with high unemployment.
A. It gave lobbyists and interest groups increased influence to swing votes.
B. It helps produce hardier plants.
C. In both eras, the American people feared the unknown of what it would be to have immigrants coming to America
In Afghanistan, the United States faced a prolonged conflict involving insurgencies and terrorist groups opposed to U.S. presence and involvement in the region. This conflict was part of the larger War on Terror, which set it apart from other conflicts in the region.

C. It increased accessibility and resources for people with disabilities.