Unit 8B: Writing a Narrative Portfolio Guidelines & Rubric

Due in the Lesson 11 Dropbox on March 7th

Directions: For this portfolio you will be writing your own narrative (real or imagined). It must be on one of the 4 topic choices listed below:

Topic Choices:

A challenge faced by a student athlete
How some hikers dealt with an unexpected storm
A child from a small village or town experiencing a large city for the first time
How a teenager got his town or community to do something important

Portfolio Requirements:

Must be about 1 of the 4 topics listed above

Your narrative must be your own words & ideas, 100% original

Your narrative must be at least 400 words

Your narrative must include dialogue. Click here to see how to include dialogue

Your narrative must have a clear organization, starting with the exposition & ending with a resolution. It should follow the elements of a plot diagram. Click here to access a Plot Diagram to help you organize your story in your prewriting.

Your narrative must be submitted in MLA format. Click HERE for MLA guidelines and examples.

You must submit your narrative to the Paper Review Center & provide their feedback along with your updated Narrative (showing that you utilized their feedback) in the dropbox. Click here to watch a video on how to submit to the Paper Review Center. Click here to read how to download their feedback.

You will be graded using the rubric on the next page (also linked here)

Resources to help you plan & draft your narrative:

Narrative Organizer- this includes places for characters, dialogue, & more

Narrative Transitions- this will help you with sequencing, organization, & flow

Narrative Writing Checklist- a good tool to use before submitting your final copy

Narrative Writing Example- an example of narrative writing that includes dialogue & is in MLA format

Rubric (how you will be graded) on the next page

Unit 8B Narrative Portfolio Rubric

Excellent (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
The plot is clear and logical.
The plot is supported by strong details.
The plot is mostly clear and generally logical.
The plot is supported by adequate details.
The plot is somewhat clear and may have gaps in logic.
Details are weak or inconsistent.
The plot is limited or illogical.

There are few or no details.
Dialogue clearly shows individual characters’ personality and attitudes.
Dialogue generally shows individual characters’ personality and attitudes.
Dialogue gives basic indication of individual characters’ personality and attitudes.
Dialogue gives minimal indication of individual characters’ personality and attitudes.
There is a clear and effective organizational structure.
The exposition and resolution are effective.
Ideas are organized logically.
There is an organizational structure.
The exposition and resolution are adequate.
Ideas are organized logically, though a few ideas may be out of place.
The organizational structure is inconsistent.
The exposition and resolution are weak or not present.
Some ideas are irrelevant or out of place.
There is little or no organizational structure.
There is no exposition or resolution.
Ideas are limited or irrelevant.
Word Choice
The vocabulary is clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose.
Words are used effectively.
Writing is rich, with a variety of academic and domain-specific words.
The vocabulary is generally appropriate for the audience and purpose.
Most words are used effectively.
Writing shows an adequate use of academic and domain-specific words.
The vocabulary is somewhat appropriate for the audience and purpose.
The word choice is weak or ineffective.
Writing shows a weak use of academic and domain-specific words.
The vocabulary may not be appropriate for the audience or purpose.
There are multiple errors in word choice.
Writing shows limited or no use of academic or domain specific words.
Conventions, Formatting, & Paper Review
There is a strong command of conventions. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are consistently correct.
Dialogue is punctuated correctly.
MLA formatting is correct.
Paper Review Feedback was submitted & utilized.
There is a general command of conventions. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are mostly correct.
Dialogue mostly punctuated correctly.
MLA format mostly correct.
Paper Review Feedback was submitted, but may not have been utilized.
There is a partial command of conventions. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are inconsistent or weak. Errors in conventions may occasionally interfere with meaning.
Dialogue inconsistently punctuated.
Several errors in MLA.
Paper Review Feedback might be missing or not utilized.
There is a limited command of conventions. Punctuation and capitalization are mostly incorrect. There are multiple errors in spelling. Errors in conventions often interfere with meaning.
Dialogue incorrectly punctuated.
Not in MLA format.
Paper Review Feedback is missing.

User Icon for Bot GPT 3.5 Bot GPT 3.5 answered
7 months ago

Overall Organization & MLA Formatting

The narrative is well-organized, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The exposition and resolution are effective, and ideas flow logically. The narrative is submitted in correct MLA format. Dialogue is used effectively to develop characters and move the story forward. The vocabulary is appropriate for the audience and purpose, with a variety of academic and domain-specific words used.

Grade: 4 - Excellent