26. What is the evidence for the existence of water ice on Mars today?

A) Detection of residual ice on the Martian north pole

B) Identification of water ice crystals in the Martian atmosphere

C) Running water in the deep canyon Valles Marineris

D) Answers A) and B)

E) Answers A), B), and C)

27. What is the most obvious surface feature on Mars, indicating the existence of water early in the Martian history?

A) Erosion of some Martian craters

B) Ancient river beds

C) The mountain top of Olympus Mons

D) Answers A) and B)

E) Answers A), B), and C)

28. Which ideas have been proposed for the fate of the lost CO2 of Mars?

A) Locked up in the polar caps

B) Existence of carbonate minerals underground

C) Escaped into space

D) All of the above

29. What is the most recent era regarding Mars?

A) Noachian

B) Hesperian

C) Amazonian

D) Hadean

30. Based on a study published in 2020, what is the significance of Phobos's regolith?

A) It can be used to study the formation history of Phobos

B) It allows to map the loss of the Martian atmosphere

C) It allows to double-check the gravitational constant, appearing in Newton's law of gravity

D) Answers B) and C)

31. Which gas besides CO2 most likely contributed to the facilitation of the green house effect in early Mars? A) CO

B) NH3


D) He

E) All of the above

32. How did the Martian magnetic field change over the course of time?

A) It fluctuated irregularily

B) It steadily increased

C) It steadily decreased

D) Mars never possessed a significant) magnetic field

33. What does the record of impact craters tell us about Martian volcanism?

A) Volcanism never existed on Mars

B) Most of the large Martian volcanoes have been inactive for the past billion years

C) There is still wide-spread active volcanism on Mars today

D) Volcanism on Mars is just about to become more and more intense

E) Volcanism on Mars — as far as we know — only occurred in the two polar regions

34. There are many reasons why a hiking trip on Martian mountain ridges would not be advisable, at least not without suitable protection. Which of the following would NOT be a concern?

A) High levels of UV radiation

B) Oppressively high atmospheric pressure

C) The possibility of dust storms

D) The predominantly carbon dioxide atmosphere

35. Why was the solar wind able to prominently initiate to the loss of the Martian atmosphere?

A) Because of Mars' extensive volcanism at that time

B) Because of intense interactions with Mars' moons

C) Because of the presence of Martian water

D) Because of the lack of significant mountain ranges on Mars, not counting individual volcanoes such as Olympus Mons

E) Because Mars has lost its magnetic field

36. Supposed Mars has (or had) life, which of the following kinds of extremophiles are not expected on Mars? A) Hyperthermophiles

B) Xerophiles

C) Lithophiles

D) Anaerobic extremophiles Ulympus ONS

E) Because Mars has lost its magnetic field

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