How do you diagram this sentence, with a sentence tree?

He loved the sound of pancake batter hissing on the griddle.

See the other post for help with diagramming.

I don't understand the term "tree" but it might have something to do with "hissing..." being a participial phrase.


He loved sound .... is your basic sentence. He = subject; loved = verb; sound = direct object.

of pancake batter = (prepositional phrase) branch off of sound
hissing on the griddle = ( participial phrase) branch off of batter.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

To diagram the sentence with a sentence tree, you would need to break down the sentence into its constituent parts or phrases and show their relationships. Here's a step-by-step guide to construct a sentence tree for the given sentence:

1. Start with the main sentence structure: "He loved sound."

- Draw a horizontal line to represent the main sentence structure.
- Place "He" above the line as the subject.
- Place "loved" on the line as the main verb.
- Place "sound" below the line as the direct object.

He (subject)
loved (verb)
sound (object)

2. Add the prepositional phrase "of pancake batter" that modifies the object "sound":

- Extend a branch from the object "sound" and label it as "of pancake batter."
- Place "of" on the branch.
- Place "pancake batter" as a noun phrase under "of."

He (subject)
loved (verb)
sound (object)
pancake batter

3. Include the participial phrase "hissing on the griddle" that modifies the noun phrase "pancake batter":

- Extend a branch from "pancake batter" and label it as "hissing on the griddle."
- Place "hissing" as a gerund-participial (present participle) verb on the branch.
- Place "on the griddle" as a prepositional phrase under "hissing."

He (subject)
loved (verb)
sound (object)
pancake batter
on the griddle

By following this structure, you can create a sentence tree diagram that visually represents the different components of the sentence and their hierarchical relationships.