Here are the correct responses to the questions you've provided:
- La chica está leyendo un libro. (leer)
- Correct Response: leyendo
- Which is NOT true about the imperfect past tense?
- Correct Response: It shows an action completed once in the past.
- _______ in Chile is known for being poet Pablo Neruda's home.
- Correct Response: Valparaíso
- Which word means "parade" in Spanish?
- Correct Response: el desfile
Which sentence below shows the correct conjugation of the imperfect past verb tense?
- Correct Response: Mis primos se llevaban mal durante la fiesta.
Match the verb "pensar":
- yo: pienso
- tú: piensas
- él / ella: piensa
- nosotros / nosotras: pensamos
- ustedes: piensan
- ellos / ellas: piensan
- Which activity would you not be likely to do at a park?
- Correct Response: ver la television
- How do you say in Spanish “My grandfather is Colombian”?
- Correct Response: Mi abuelo es colombiano.
- Select the correct reason as to why the expression was used, "The sun never set on the Spanish empire."
- Correct Response: The Spanish empire was so large that the sun was shining on it for at least one part of the day.
32-39. Match the Spanish daily routine expressions to their correct English translations:
- Me levanto. → I get up.
- Me ducho. → I take a shower.
- Me miro en el espejo. → I look at myself in the mirror.
- Me afeito. → I shave.
- Me cepillo los dientes. → I brush my teeth.
- Me pongo maquillaje. → I put on make up.
- Me visto. → I get dressed.
- Me acuesto. → I go to bed/ lay down.
Let me know if you need further assistance!