Hi everybody,

I have to write an essay in English(which is not my mother tongue) on the subject: Are you personnally in favor of legalising marriage?
I've written a short essay about it. Can anyone correct my mistakes and my ideas(if you find that the arguments are not good etc). Thank in advance.

I personally do agree with the idea of legalizing marriage. For me, same sex marriage should be allowed for many reasons. On the other hand, I totally oppose to the ideas provided against it.

First of all, in the name of liberty, marriage is legitimate. If we consider that liberty consists in doing what we want without affecting others�f, homosexuals should have the same rights as other individuals, therefore, they can love and marry whom they want, no difference between marriage and marriage between heterosexuals should be made. We must therefore legalise marriage. By forbidding same-sex unions, we violate the laws and deprive homosexuals of their liberty.
But, for me, the most important reason not to refuse marriage is that we deny equality, one of the most essential principles of human�f s rights. As a matter of fact, �gall men are created equal�h, so why refusing homosexuals the right from which all other men benefit? If everyday, thousands of institutions and people attempt to break prejudices from some narrow-minded people who discriminate against black people or foreigners, to refuse marriage is indeed a sort of discrimination; thus, we have to combat this idea and allow this union.

For some people, marriage is not possible due to the fact that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. But have these people think about the real meaning of �gmarriage�h? Personally, marriage is the result of a relationship between two people: this relationship is an unconditional love and based on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy other�fs company; therefore real love between a man and a woman or between two people of the same sex is totally identical. Marriage is only a result of this true and real love, so why prevent homosexuals from such a thing?
But, people do not agree with same-sex union not only for �gsemantic�h reasons, but also for moral reasons. Some tend to assert that marriage goes against the basis of religion; however, I think that in that case by denying marriage, we truly do not respect the moral code for preventing others from happiness. Homosexuals also desire happiness like us, so they deserve the right to love and marry whom they want, why steal this happiness from them just because the one they love is same sex than they are?
Moreover, I�fll go as far as to say that homosexuals deserve more the �gright�h to marry than heterosexuals. As first sight, you can be surprised. But let�fs think about difficulties that homosexuals have to overcome before deciding to be linked by such commitment: they have to overcome pressure from other people, starting by their relatives, and the daily disdainful attitude coming from others while walking in the streets. Knowing that their relationship is not warmly recognised, they have to bear all these difficulties and as a consequence, their love is strong than never. That�fs why I truly believe that same-sex union lasts longer than �gclassical�h marriage.

marriage is not recognised because it is regarded as unconventional or unusual at first sight. We can compare the act of legalising marriage nowadays to that of mixing white and black people in the 60�fs: segregation and disdaining homosexuals are proves of narrow-mindedness. However, if men truly want to protect liberty and moral principles, they should overcome all these prejudices. I truly believe that marriage will be recognised by more and more people. For my part, it is just a question of habit and time.

I personally do agree with the idea of legalizing marriage. For me, same sex marriage should be allowed for many reasons. On the other hand, I totally oppose to the ideas provided against it. <~~Very wordy and repetitive. Something like this needs to be your thesis statement: marriage needs to be legalized in our country. Now work on building a real introduction that leads up to this statement.

Please revise and rewrite your introduction, including the thesis statement. On doing this, you may find places in your paper that need revising, too. Then re-post.

I'll be waiting.


In addition, please fix all run-ons and delete any repetitions.



marriage is such a hot topic today that it requires more attention. For my part, I'm in favor of legalising it and I totally oppose to the ideas provided against same-sex union.The first sentence is fine, but the second is not. For one thing, get rid of all uses of the word “I” – which is obvious since YOU are writing the paper, expressing your own opinions. In addition, this is not a fully developed introductory paragraph. Please see the links I gave you above in order to write a decent introductory paragraph. It should be 4-5 sentences long, and the LAST sentence should be your thesis statement.

First of all, in the name of liberty, marriage is legitimate. If we consider that liberty consists in<~~use “of” not “in” doing what we want without affecting others homosexuals should have the same rights as other individuals, <~~run-un; use a semicolon, not a comma therefore, they can love and marry whom they want, <~~run-on; how can you correct this? no difference between marriage and marriage between heterosexuals should be made. We must therefore legalise marriage. By forbidding same-sex unions, we violate the laws<~~what laws exactly? and deprive homosexuals of their liberty.

Before going any further, please go through the entire paper and FIX ALL RUN-ONS. Please refer to the link I gave you above to help you find and then fix them all. Remember that EVERY SENTENCE needs to have the proper punctuation at the end of it -- and a comma is not it!!

One other idea: In every well-developed argument I've read on this topic puts economic reasons first. You have not included this very important reason at all in your paper, unless it's so subtly put that I'm missing it. Read the paragraph after Rights denied to committed couples:

So you think that this i better?
marriage is such a hot topic today that it requires more attention.For my part, I'm in favor of legalising it and I totally oppose to the ideas provided against same-sex union.

First of all, in the name of liberty, marriage is legitimate. If we consider that liberty consists in doing what we want without affecting others�f, homosexuals should have the same rights as other individuals, therefore, they can love and marry whom they want, no difference between marriage and marriage between heterosexuals should be made. We must therefore legalise marriage. By forbidding same-sex unions, we violate the laws and deprive homosexuals of their liberty.
But, for me, the most important reason not to refuse marriage is that we deny equality, one of the most essential principles of human�f s rights. As a matter of fact, �gall men are created equal�h, so why refusing homosexuals the right from which all other men benefit? If everyday, thousands of institutions and people attempt to break prejudices from some narrow-minded people who discriminate against black people or foreigners, to refuse marriage is indeed a sort of discrimination; thus, we have to combat this idea and allow this union.

For some people, marriage is not possible due to the fact that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. But have these people think about the real meaning of �gmarriage�h? Personally, marriage is the result of a relationship between two people: this relationship is an unconditional love and based on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy other�fs company; therefore real love between a man and a woman or between two people of the same sex is totally identical. Marriage is only a result of this true and real love, so why prevent homosexuals from such a thing?
But, people do not agree with same-sex union not only for �gsemantic�h reasons, but also for moral reasons. Some tend to assert that marriage goes against the basis of religion; however, I think that in that case by denying marriage, we truly do not respect the moral code for preventing others from happiness. Homosexuals also desire happiness like us, so they deserve the right to love and marry whom they want, why steal this happiness from them just because the one they love is same sex than they are?
Moreover, I�fll go as far as to say that homosexuals deserve more the �gright�h to marry than heterosexuals. As first sight, you can be surprised. But let�fs think about difficulties that homosexuals have to overcome before deciding to be linked by such commitment: they have to overcome pressure from other people, starting by their relatives, and the daily disdainful attitude coming from others while walking in the streets. Knowing that their relationship is not warmly recognised, they have to bear all these difficulties and as a consequence, their love is strong than never. That�fs why I truly believe that same-sex union lasts longer than �gclassical�h marriage.

marriage is not recognised because it is regarded as unconventional or unusual at first sight. We can compare the act of legalising marriage nowadays to that of mixing white and black people in the 60�fs: segregation and disdaining homosexuals are proves of narrow-mindedness. However, if men truly want to protect liberty and moral principles, they should overcome all these prejudices. I truly believe that marriage will be recognised by more and more people. For my part, it is just a question of habit and time.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

marriage is such a hot topic today that it requires more attention. For my part, I'm in favor of legalizing it and I totally oppose the ideas provided against same-sex unions.

First of all, in the name of liberty, marriage is legitimate. If we consider that liberty consists of doing what we want without affecting others, homosexuals should have the same rights as other individuals. Therefore, they can love and marry whom they want, and no difference between marriage and marriage between heterosexuals should be made. We must, therefore, legalize marriage. By forbidding same-sex unions, we violate the laws and deprive homosexuals of their liberty.

But, for me, the most important reason not to refuse marriage is that we deny equality, one of the most essential principles of human rights. As a matter of fact, "all men are created equal," so why refuse homosexuals the right from which all other men benefit? If every day, thousands of institutions and people attempt to break prejudices from some narrow-minded people who discriminate against black people or foreigners, to refuse marriage is indeed a sort of discrimination. Thus, we have to combat this idea and allow this union.

For some people, marriage is not possible due to the fact that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. But have these people thought about the real meaning of "marriage"? Personally, marriage is the result of a relationship between two people: this relationship is unconditional love and based on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each other's company. Therefore, real love between a man and a woman or between two people of the same sex is totally identical. Marriage is only a result of this true and real love, so why prevent homosexuals from experiencing such a thing?

Furthermore, people do not agree with same-sex unions not only for semantic reasons but also for moral reasons. Some tend to assert that marriage goes against the basis of religion. However, I think that by denying marriage, we truly do not respect the moral code for preventing others from happiness. Homosexuals also desire happiness like us, so they deserve the right to love and marry whom they want. Why steal this happiness from them just because the one they love is the same sex as they are?

Moreover, I'll go as far as to say that homosexuals deserve the right to marry more than heterosexuals. At first sight, you might be surprised. But let's think about the difficulties that homosexuals have to overcome before deciding to be linked by such commitment. They have to overcome pressure from other people, starting with their relatives, and the daily disdainful attitude coming from others while walking in the streets. Knowing that their relationship is not warmly recognized, they have to bear all these difficulties, and as a consequence, their love is stronger than ever. That's why I truly believe that same-sex unions last longer than "classical" marriages.

marriage is not recognized because it is regarded as unconventional or unusual at first sight. We can compare the act of legalizing marriage nowadays to that of mixing white and black people in the 60s. Segregation and disdaining homosexuals are proofs of narrow-mindedness. However, if men truly want to protect liberty and moral principles, they should overcome all these prejudices. I truly believe that marriage will be recognized by more and more people. For my part, it is just a question of habit and time.