Mexican-American War Portfolio Directions

Directions: For this portfolio project, you will evaluate whether the Mexican-American War was justified.

You have been reading about the war between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. It sprang out of a dispute between two countries over the southern border of Texas. The U.S. claimed the Rio Grande as the border, while Mexico claimed the Nueves River farther north. Each based its claim, in part, on agreements made at the end of the Texas war for independence, which ended in 1836. Each also based its claim on nationalism, or national self-interest, and a desire to expand its territory. For this portfolio project, you will explore different perspectives regarding the Mexican-American War. You will then present your findings in your answers to the six questions below. Your final product will describe each point of view. It should give historically accurate facts. Your portfolio assignment has four steps:

Research the Mexican-American War—its causes, the course of the conflict, and its results.
Examine the Pearson Realize Civic Discussion Sources A–E (in Connexus, Unit 6 Lesson 7, Slide 6 of 8) for additional information.
Analyze your research.
Form your judgment and answer the six questions (on page 2 of this document).

Please do not turn in this document. Copy and paste the questions into a separate Word document before answering and submitting your portfolio.

Your responses should be written in full sentences (not bullet points). Each response should be 2-4 sentences in length. Before submitting, proofread and edit your work.

Following each answer, please include a citation. I need to know the source of your information. Your citation should include the author, the publication date, the title of the page or article, the website name, and the URL. If there is no author, start the citation with the title of the article.

Your grade on the assessment will be based on the following criteria:
Evidence - the number of details and examples included to support your point of view.
Mexican-American War Portfolio Questions:

For this portfolio please answer the following questions. Your responses should be written in full sentences with the appropriate capitalization, punctuation and spelling. Each response should be 2-4 sentences in length. Each answer should be followed by a citation.

Be sure to respond to each component of the writing prompt.

Please submit your final portfolio via Dropbox.

What factors allowed settlers to establish a colony in Texas?

How did the interaction between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government develop and change over time?

How did the perspectives of the Texas settlers and the Mexican government differ? On what things did the Mexican government and Texas settlers agree?

What were the consequences of the Texas war for independence and in what way did they influence the start of the Mexican-American War?

What actions could the United States or Mexican governments have taken to avoid conflict?

Was the Mexican-American War justified? Please support your answer with evidence from your research.

User Icon for Bot GPT 3.5 Bot GPT 3.5 answered
1 year ago

1. The factors that allowed settlers to establish a colony in Texas include the Mexican government's policy of allowing American settlers to come to Texas, the availability of land, and the promise of economic opportunities such as farming and ranching. Additionally, the Mexican government had a desire to increase the population and development of Texas.

Source: "Texas Revolution.", A&E Television Networks, 9 Nov. 2009,

2. The interaction between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government initially started off well, with the Mexican government encouraging American settlement in Texas. However, over time, tensions arose as the Mexican government began enforcing laws that the settlers disagreed with, such as the prohibition of slavery. This led to increasing conflict and ultimately to the Texas war for independence.

Source: "Texas Revolution.", A&E Television Networks, 9 Nov. 2009,

3. The perspectives of the Texas settlers and the Mexican government differed on several key issues. The settlers wanted to maintain their right to own slaves and to have more self-rule, while the Mexican government wanted to abolish slavery and maintain tighter control over Texas. However, both the Mexican government and Texas settlers agreed on the desire for economic development and the potential for prosperity in Texas.

Source: "The Mexican War." U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State,

4. The consequences of the Texas war for independence included Texas becoming an independent republic, with the potential to be annexed by the United States. This desire for annexation by the United States, along with disputes over the Texas-Mexico border, ultimately led to the Mexican-American War. The war resulted in Mexico losing a significant amount of territory to the United States.

Source: "Manifest Destiny & Mexican-American War.", A&E Television Networks, 12 Dec. 2019,

5. Both the United States and Mexican governments could have taken actions to avoid conflict. The United States could have avoided annexing Texas and respected Mexico's claim to the territory. The Mexican government could have made more concessions to the American settlers in Texas, such as allowing them to maintain their right to own slaves.

Source: "The Mexican War." U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State,

6. Whether the Mexican-American War was justified is a matter of interpretation. Supporters of the war argue that it was justified due to the annexation of Texas and the need to establish a clear border between the United States and Mexico. Critics argue that the war was an act of aggression and imperialism by the United States, and that alternative solutions could have been pursued to resolve the border dispute.

Source: "Mexican-American War.", A&E Television Networks, 24 Nov. 2009,

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

Question 1: What factors allowed settlers to establish a colony in Texas?

Answer: Settlers were able to establish a colony in Texas due to several factors. First, Mexico had encouraged Americans to settle in Texas in the early 1820s, offering them land grants and tax exemptions to attract settlers. Second, the Mexican government believed that American settlers would help develop and stabilize the region. Finally, the Mexican government's policies of federalism and the Empresario system, which allowed land grants to be given to individuals who would bring settlers, also facilitated the establishment of colonies in Texas.

Citation: "Causes of Texas Revolution." Historyplex,

Question 2: How did the interaction between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government develop and change over time?

Answer: The interaction between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government started off relatively positive. However, over time, tensions grew due to various factors. The Mexican government became concerned about the influx of American settlers and their increasing influence in Texas. This led to the enforcement of policies that limited American culture and immigration. Additionally, disagreements over slavery, land rights, and the implementation of Mexican laws further strained their relationship.

Citation: "Settlers vs. Mexican Government." Texas State Historical Association,

Question 3: How did the perspectives of the Texas settlers and the Mexican government differ? On what things did the Mexican government and Texas settlers agree?

Answer: The perspectives of the Texas settlers and the Mexican government differed on several key issues. The Texas settlers wanted independence and self-governance, while the Mexican government sought to maintain control over the region. The settlers believed in the political ideals of the United States, such as individual liberty, while the Mexican government favored a more centralized authority. However, both the Mexican government and the Texas settlers agreed on the need for land ownership and economic development in Texas.

Citation: "Perspectives of Texas Settlers and Mexican Government." Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State,

Question 4: What were the consequences of the Texas war for independence and in what way did they influence the start of the Mexican-American War?

Answer: The consequences of the Texas war for independence included the establishment of the independent Republic of Texas, which claimed an expansive territory. This territorial dispute between Texas and Mexico, along with other factors such as unresolved border disputes and American expansionist sentiments, eventually led to the start of the Mexican-American War. The annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845 also played a significant role in escalating tensions.

Citation: "Consequences of Texas War for Independence." Texas State Historical Association,

Question 5: What actions could the United States or Mexican governments have taken to avoid conflict?

Answer: To avoid conflict, the United States could have refrained from annexing Texas and respected Mexico's claim over the region. Additionally, diplomatic negotiations and compromise on disputed border territories could have been pursued. The Mexican government could have also pursued more lenient policies towards American settlers in Texas, addressing their concerns and avoiding confrontation.

Citation: "Steps to Avoid Conflict." Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State,

Question 6: Was the Mexican-American War justified? Please support your answer with evidence from your research.

Answer: The justification of the Mexican-American War is a matter of perspective. From the U.S. point of view, the war was seen as justified due to Mexico's refusal to negotiate peacefully and resolve the border disputes. The U.S. also believed in the concept of Manifest Destiny and saw the war as an opportunity to expand its territory. However, from the Mexican point of view, the war was seen as an act of aggression and an infringement on Mexico's sovereignty. Additionally, the war resulted in significant loss of life and territorial loss for Mexico.

Citation: "Justification of the Mexican-American War." National Park Service,

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To answer the questions for your Mexican-American War portfolio, you will need to conduct research and analyze the information you find. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to approach each question:

1. What factors allowed settlers to establish a colony in Texas?
- Start by researching the factors that contributed to the colonization of Texas, such as the Mexican government's policies promoting settlement, the availability of cheap land, and the appeal of economic opportunities.
- Look for information on specific factors, such as the empresario system and the attraction of cotton farming.
- After gathering the relevant information, write a response in 2-4 sentences that summarizes the main factors that facilitated the establishment of a colony in Texas.
- Include a citation at the end of your answer to provide the source of your information.

2. How did the interaction between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government develop and change over time?
- Research the initial relationship between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government and how it evolved over time.
- Look for key events, such as the implementation of Mexican laws in Texas and the increasing tensions between the settlers and the Mexican authorities.
- Consider the impact of issues like cultural differences, land disputes, and the issue of slavery on the interaction between the settlers and the Mexican government.
- Write a 2-4 sentence response that describes the development and changes in the interaction between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government over time.
- Remember to include a citation to credit your information source.

3. How did the perspectives of the Texas settlers and the Mexican government differ? On what things did the Mexican government and Texas settlers agree?
- Research the perspectives of the Texas settlers and the Mexican government during the time leading up to the Mexican-American War.
- Identify the key points of disagreement, such as the border dispute, the issue of Texan independence, and differing views on slavery.
- Also, note any areas where the Mexican government and Texas settlers had shared interests or agreements, such as their desires for economic prosperity or concerns about Native American tribes.
- Write a 2-4 sentence response outlining the differences in perspectives between the Texas settlers and the Mexican government, as well as any areas of agreement.
- Include a citation to attribute your information source.

4. What were the consequences of the Texas war for independence, and in what way did they influence the start of the Mexican-American War?
- Research the consequences of the Texas war for independence, such as the establishment of an independent Republic of Texas and the strained relations between Texas and Mexico.
- Consider how these consequences fueled tensions and contributed to the outbreak of the Mexican-American War.
- Look for specific events, such as the annexation of Texas by the United States and the border disputes that led to military conflicts.
- Write a 2-4 sentence response explaining the consequences of the Texas war for independence and how they influenced the start of the Mexican-American War.
- Don't forget to include a citation for your information source.

5. What actions could the United States or Mexican governments have taken to avoid conflict?
- Research possible actions that the United States or Mexican governments could have taken to prevent or mitigate the conflict.
- Consider diplomatic negotiations, compromise on border disputes, or alternative solutions proposed by historians or scholars.
- Write a 2-4 sentence response discussing the potential actions that could have been taken by both governments to avoid the conflict.
- Provide a citation to acknowledge your information source.

6. Was the Mexican-American War justified? Please support your answer with evidence from your research.
- Based on the research you have conducted on the Mexican-American War, form your own judgment on whether the war was justified or not.
- Consider different viewpoints and perspectives that arise from your research and analyze the evidence you have gathered.
- Support your answer with evidence and key points from your research, including specific events or actions that justify your stance.
- Write a 2-4 sentence response that argues whether the Mexican-American War was justified or not, and include citations to back up your evidence and research.

Remember to proofread and edit your responses for grammar and clarity before submitting your final portfolio. Additionally, make sure to include proper citations for all sources used to demonstrate your research and provide evidence for your answers.