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Shawn wants to research the latest trends in effective study habits of university students. He only wants to look at sources published since 2019. Look at the image below with the results in Google Scholar for the search terms he used (“Effective study habits of university students”). Where can he click to refine his search to only include sources published from 2019?

Markerimage related to this question
Selected Coordinates 53, 89Clear
1 points


Beatrice needs to get medication from a pharmacy. Look at the image below with the search results on Google for the search terms she used (“closest pharmacy from my current location”). Which of the filters on the top right should she select to help her narrow down the results in a way that will allow her to find a pharmacy close to her?





1 points


Emma and Michael are working on a presentation together using a cloud-based presentation tool. Emma wants to suggest alternative images for one of the slides. What's the best way for Emma to do this?

Turn on suggestion mode and insert the alternative images directly onto the slide

Paste the alternative images next to Michael’s with a comment in the presentation notes.

Email the image files to Michael and ask him to replace them manually.

Create a separate presentation with the alternative images and share it with Michael.

1 points


Kate is a student with multiple modules, assignments, and class notes. She wants to organise her cloud documents efficiently to minimize confusion and to make accessing her documents easily. What approach should she take?

Save all documents in one folder.

Name all files with the current date and her name.

Use colour-coded tags for each document.

Create separate folders for each module.

1 points


In most research projects (such as an artisanal coffee roasters' podcast), the first step in the research plan is usually to

Conduct online research using platforms such as ChatGPT and Wikipedia to establish a baseline level of understanding.

Prepare and record the end product format, i.e. the podcast.

Search for collaboration partners in related communities, i.e. in the podcasting community.

Conduct first-hand research by contacting local artisanal coffee roasteries for interviews.

1 points


Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of a research plan in a project?

By sharing the research plan with stakeholders, you can secure funding for your project.

A research plan determines the resources required to finish the project.

It provides a chronological timeline for the project's progression and completion.

It outlines the proposed methods and steps to achieve research goals.

1 points


Lindiwe is conducting research on the unemployment rate in South Africa from 2012 – 2022. Which DATA SOURCE would be most appropriate to use in her research?

Department of Labour government report on the official unemployment statistics over the last decade.

Interviews with five local business owners on their perceptions of the current job market and unemployment rate.

An academic journal article about the effects of unemployment on the youth in South Africa.

Newspaper article from News24 discussing recent changes in the unemployment rate in South Africa.

1 points


View the graph below published in the Developing Siyaphambili Report. Which of the statements can you confirm as true based on the data?

The percentage of people who completed Grade 12 increased consistently from 2013 to 2021

The percentage of people who completed a qualification remained consistent from 2014 to 2021.

A larger percentage of people completed a qualification in 2013 than in 2021

A larger percentage of people completed Grade 12 in 2014 than in 2017.

1 points


Why is it important for the general thesis statement to be specific and focused?

It helps the readers understand the main point of the research.

It ensures the thesis statement can be easily remembered.

It allows the researcher to include multiple related topics.

It makes the research exercise more challenging.

1 points


Which general thesis statement aligns best with recording an informative podcast on independent coffee roasting?

"Delving into the World of Independent Coffee Roasting: Flavour, Technique, and Entrepreneurship."

"Understanding the Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee Daily."

"Analysing the Economic Impact of Coffee Roasting on Local Communities."

"Exploring the Global Coffee Industry: From Plantation to Cup."

1 points


Indicate if this statement is true or false: Information literacy equips individuals to find, evaluate, and utilise information effectively, leading to informed decisions and lifelong learning.



1 points


What type of data sources might be needed if your research goal is to make an informed decision?

Online forums and blogs, user-generated content.

First-hand accounts or personal experience.

Peer-reviewed articles and expert opinions.

Internet articles and social media posts.

1 points


Jessica comes across an online article that promotes a new weight-loss product. As she reads through the article, she notices numerous testimonials but no scientific evidence to support the product's effectiveness. Upon closer inspection, she finds out the website sells the product in question. What aspect of the CRAAP method does this scenario relate to?





1 points


When using the CRAAP method to evaluate information, one way to test for relevance is to look at the title in relation to the topic you are investigating. You are researching the following topic: The impact of social media on mental health among teenagers. Which of the following titles is most relevant to your topic?

The relationship between social media use and mental health of adolescents

Overview of modern political ideologies.

Advances in artificial intelligence.

Emerging trends in renewable energy.

1 points


For which of the following research topics is it MOST important that current sources are used?

Early human migration patterns.

Recent developments in cancer treatments.

How jazz music influences music today.

Types of mathematical theorems and their applications

1 points


Cara is interested in improving her presentation skills to enhance her employability. Which search term should she use to find the most relevant resources?

Effective communication techniques.

Tips for presenting to an audience.

Non-verbal communication cues.

How to write a speech.

1 points


Rafeek wants to explore the impact of social media on mental health. Besides “social media”, which related search term could he include in his search to get more comprehensive results?

Mental disorders.

Characteristics of mindfulness.

Smartphone addiction

Healthy eating habits.

1 points


The Department of Health is creating a public health campaign about malaria prevention targeted at rural communities in South Africa. What should be their primary consideration when designing the campaign materials?

Incorporating general information on rural healthcare services.

Focus on South African malaria mortality statistics.

Using technical, medical terminology to educate the public.

Addressing the specific needs and concerns of rural communities.

1 points


How can understanding your audience's background and interests benefit your research?

It contextualises feedback and input provided by the audience.

It ensures that your research remains topical and focused.

It helps you tailor your search and connect better with them.

It allows you to design for and address their biases.

User Icon for Bot GPT 3.5 Bot GPT 3.5 answered
1 year ago

It helps you tailor your search and connect better with them.

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

It helps you tailor your search and connect better with them.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To find the answer for QUESTION 1, Shawn wants to refine his search to only include sources published since 2019. He can do this by clicking on the "Since 2019" option in the left-hand side menu under the "Any time" heading. This will filter the search results to only show sources published from 2019 onwards.

For QUESTION 2, Beatrice needs to find a pharmacy close to her current location. She can click on the "Maps" filter on the top right to narrow down the search results and find pharmacies near her.

For QUESTION 3, Emma wants to suggest alternative images for a slide in a cloud-based presentation tool. The best way for Emma to do this is to turn on suggestion mode and insert the alternative images directly onto the slide. This way, she can easily collaborate with Michael and suggest different images.

For QUESTION 4, Kate wants to organize her cloud documents efficiently. The approach she should take is to create separate folders for each module. This will help her keep her documents organized and make it easier to access them based on specific subjects or modules.

For QUESTION 5, in most research projects, the first step in the research plan is usually to conduct online research using platforms such as ChatGPT and Wikipedia to establish a baseline level of understanding. This helps researchers gain initial knowledge about the topic before diving deeper into the research process.

For QUESTION 6, the purpose of a research plan in a project is to outline the proposed methods and steps to achieve research goals. It provides a roadmap for the project's progression and completion, ensuring that researchers stay on track and follow a systematic approach.

For QUESTION 7, Lindiwe, who is conducting research on the unemployment rate in South Africa from 2012-2022, should use the Department of Labour government report on the official unemployment statistics over the last decade as her data source. This source would provide accurate and official data on the unemployment rate in South Africa.

For QUESTION 8, based on the graph provided in the Developing Siyaphambili Report, the statement that can be confirmed as true is that a larger percentage of people completed Grade 12 in 2014 than in 2017.

For QUESTION 9, the general thesis statement needs to be specific and focused to help readers understand the main point of the research. This ensures that the research is clear and focused, making it easier for readers to comprehend the research's objectives and outcomes.

For QUESTION 10, the general thesis statement that aligns best with recording an informative podcast on independent coffee roasting is "Delving into the World of Independent Coffee Roasting: Flavor, Technique, and Entrepreneurship."

For QUESTION 11, the statement "Information literacy equips individuals to find, evaluate, and utilize information effectively, leading to informed decisions and lifelong learning" is true. Information literacy plays a crucial role in equipping individuals with the skills to access and evaluate information effectively, helping them make informed decisions and continue learning throughout their lives.

For QUESTION 12, if the research goal is to make an informed decision, the types of data sources that might be needed include peer-reviewed articles and expert opinions. These sources provide reliable and evidence-based information that can help inform decision-making.

For QUESTION 13, the scenario described relates to the aspect of the CRAAP method called "Authority." The absence of scientific evidence and the fact that the website selling the product is promoting it without proper support raises questions about the authority and credibility of the information presented.

For QUESTION 14, when using the CRAAP method to evaluate information, the title that is most relevant to the topic "The impact of social media on mental health among teenagers" is "The relationship between social media use and mental health of adolescents." It directly addresses the topic of interest.

For QUESTION 15, for the research topic "Recent developments in cancer treatments," it is most important to use current sources. Cancer treatment is an evolving field, and new research and advancements can significantly affect the effectiveness of treatments. Therefore, using current sources will provide the most up-to-date and relevant information.

For QUESTION 16, to find relevant resources on improving presentation skills, Cara should use the search term "Effective communication techniques." This term encompasses various aspects of effective communication, including presentation skills.

For QUESTION 17, besides "social media," Rafeek could include the related search term "Smartphone addiction" to get more comprehensive results on the impact of social media on mental health. Smartphone addiction is often associated with excessive social media use and may provide additional insights on the subject.

For QUESTION 18, when designing a public health campaign about malaria prevention targeted at rural communities in South Africa, the primary consideration should be addressing the specific needs and concerns of rural communities. Understanding their unique context, access to healthcare, and cultural factors will help design effective campaign materials that resonate with the target audience.

For QUESTION 19, understanding the audience's background and interests can benefit the research by helping tailor the search and connect better with them. It allows researchers to find information that is relevant and meaningful to the specific audience, ensuring that the research outputs are valuable and applicable to their needs.