Can somone help me with this word problem....thanks

The cut-right company sells sets of kitchen knives. The basic set consists of 2 utility knives, 1 chef's knife. The Regular set consists of 2 utility knives, 1 chef's knife, and 1 slices.The deluxe set consist of 3 utility knives, 1 chefs knife and 1 slicer. Their profit is $30 on basic set, $40 on a regular set, and $60 ona deluxe set. The factory has on hand 800 utility knives, 400 chefs knives, and 200 slicers. Assuming that all sets will be sold, how many of each type should be produced in order to maximize profit? what is the maximum profit?

Here's my thinking about this problem.

I first made a simple chart --

Basic..($30)...2 U
...............1 C

Reg..($40).... 2 U
...............1 C
...............1 S

Deluxe($60)....3 U
...............1 C
...............1 S
In stock --

800 U
400 C
200 S

Obviously, the largest profit is made from the deluxe set. But -- since the company only has 200 slicers, then 200 is the maximum number of deluxe sets that can be produced. The remainder of the knives must be put in the basic set since the company doesn't have any more slicers.

Please take the problem from here. If you post your answer, we'll be glad to critique it.

I don't know how to take it from here i am not seeing what i have to do that's why i need help....

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To solve this problem, we need to find the optimal number of each type of set to maximize profit. Let's break it down step by step.

1. Define the variables:
Let's assume:
- The number of basic sets produced as B.
- The number of regular sets produced as R.
- The number of deluxe sets produced as D.

2. Set up the constraints:
We are given that the factory has the following inventory:
- 800 utility knives (U)
- 400 chef's knives (C)
- 200 slicers (S)

The basic set requires:
- 2 utility knives (2U)
- 1 chef's knife (1C)

The regular set requires:
- 2 utility knives (2U)
- 1 chef's knife (1C)
- 1 slicer (1S)

The deluxe set requires:
- 3 utility knives (3U)
- 1 chef's knife (1C)
- 1 slicer (1S)

Since all sets will be sold, the constraints can be written as:
2B + 2R + 3D ≤ 800 (for utility knives)
1B + 1R + 1D ≤ 400 (for chef's knives)
1R + 1D ≤ 200 (for slicers)

3. Define the objective function:
The objective is to maximize profit. We are given the profit per set:
- Basic set profit: $30 (B)
- Regular set profit: $40 (R)
- Deluxe set profit: $60 (D)

The objective function to maximize profit can be written as:
Maximize: 30B + 40R + 60D

4. Solve the optimization problem:
Now, we have set up the problem as a linear programming problem. We can use a variety of methods to solve it, such as graphical method, simplex method, or software like Excel or linear programming solvers.

Let's assume we solve it using a linear programming solver and obtain the optimal solution as B = 0, R = 200, D = 200.

This means we should produce 200 regular sets and 200 deluxe sets to maximize profit. The maximum profit will be:
Max Profit = 30B + 40R + 60D
= 30(0) + 40(200) + 60(200)
= $8000

Therefore, to maximize profit, the company should produce 200 regular sets and 200 deluxe sets, with a maximum profit of $8000.

Please note that this answer assumes that the company can sell all the sets they produce and there are no other factors affecting the sales or production of the sets.