21. The president argued that we need to reduce tunding for me aammeun

yote for someone who doesn't think the government should care about animals.

22. Our study looked at people who were successful, as defined by their level of income. Our findings show that
successful people consistently make more money than unsuccessful people. Act hamfhern
23 Let's not pick up our baby every time he cries. If we give in now, he'll end up controlling every aspect of our
houschold by the time he can talk! SlpperSlape
24. Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Prince all passed away (died) at the age of twenty-seven. Therefore, all black
musicians die at the age of twenty-seven. Hesy Generaiiza2h
25. My sister doesn't agroc with me spending my meney on my education. Nonsense! My sister recklessly spends her
moncy on expensive suits and fancy cars, and she thinks she can question my actions.

1 answer
