21. Define Square Deal. What was Roosevelt’s Square Deal? How did the Square Deal leave a impact on the economy. Read Lesson 4 and Topic 11.4: The Progressive Presidents in American History textbook. Read Square Deal.

1 answer

The term "Square Deal" refers to a phrase coined by President Theodore Roosevelt during his presidency. Roosevelt's Square Deal was a domestic program that aimed to address various social and economic issues and create a fair and equitable society. The Square Deal focused on three main areas: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.

Under the Square Deal, Roosevelt advocated for the conservation of natural resources by setting aside millions of acres of land as national forests, wildlife refuges, and national parks. This was done to preserve these resources for future generations and to promote sustainable development.

In terms of controlling corporations, Roosevelt sought to regulate and break up trusts and monopolies that were dominating various industries. He believed that a healthy and competitive economy was necessary for the well-being of the nation and worked to enforce antitrust laws.

Consumer protection was also a key aspect of the Square Deal. Roosevelt aimed to ensure that consumers were not being exploited by businesses and advocated for legislative measures to protect workers' rights, improve workplace safety, and regulate food and drug industries.

The impact of the Square Deal on the economy was significant. By regulating corporations, Roosevelt aimed to prevent unfair business practices and promote a more level playing field for businesses. This helped to create a more competitive environment, which led to increased innovation and efficiency. The conservation efforts also had positive long-term effects on the economy, as the preservation of natural resources helped to sustain industries such as timber, tourism, and agriculture.

Overall, Roosevelt's Square Deal had a lasting impact on the economy by promoting fairness, sustainability, and consumer protection. It laid the foundation for future progressive reforms and influenced the direction of the country's economic policies.