Social Studies 7B Unit 7 Test

(The questions are in a different order for everyone, so please pay attention)
1. Read the excerpt from an 1893 book describing the settlement of Australia and New Zealand.

“It is not necessary here to follow the complicated history of New Zealand in later years, which unfortunately comprises [includes] several bloody wars with the Maoris. The present prosperous condition of this great colony is well known, but it has not been effected without the rapid diminution [decrease in number] of the natives, who have met with the fate of most aborigines in contact with Europeans, especially when the former were naturally bold and warlike.”

—Notes on Captain Cook’s Journal

Which statement is best supported by the excerpt?

1 point
The British attempt to wipe out the Maori was successful.
The Maori suffered a loss of population and decline in power. ---Answer---
The Maori population gradually declined after Britain colonized New Zealand.
The British had little trouble conquering and colonizing New Zealand.

2. Based on the information in the chart, which country likely has a greater overall GDP?
1 point
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Australia ---Answer---
Solomon Islands
Their GDPs are equal
It's impossible to tell

3. According to the chart, which statement is true?
1 point
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No European nations hold territory in the Pacific today. ---Answer---
All colonies were established during the nineteenth century.
All colonies became independent during the twentieth century.
Australia was the only former colony to form its own colony.

4. Why do very few people live in the interior of Australia?

1 point
The dangers posed by volcanic eruptions make it unsuitable for
settlement. ---Answer---
The interior has few natural resources that are useful to people.
The interior region is reserved for the Aborigines.
Its extremely dry climate makes farming difficult.

5. Read the passage from the apology to the Aborigines issued in 2008 by the Australian government.

“Let the parliament reflect for a moment on the following facts: that, between 1910 and 1970, between 10 and 30 per cent of Indigenous children were forcibly taken from their mothers and fathers; that, as a result, up to 50,000 children were forcibly taken from their families; that this was the product of the deliberate, calculated policies of the state. . . .”

—Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

Which Australian policy is being described?

1 point
the displacement of indigenous peoples by European settlers
the forced assimilation of Aborigines ---Answer---
the conquest of Australia by the first European colonists
the conversion of Aborigines by European missionaries

6. Which of the following is the best example of how many Pacific islands have adapted to a mix of different ethnic groups?

1 point
They have developed national pidgin languages. ---Answer---
They have populations where immigrants make up the majority.
They practice traditional forms of art, dance, and music.
They use many modern technologies, such as computers.

7. What can you infer from the cause and effect chart below?
1 point
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The native people of Australia successfully resisted European colonization efforts.
European interests led to destruction of native cultures in
Australia. ---Answer---
The positives of European colonization outweighed the negatives in Australia.
All of these statements are true.

8. In 1999, Australian citizens voted to retain the British monarch as their head of state, keeping Australia in a group of over 50 former British colonies known as
1 point
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the British Empire
the Commonwealth of Nations ---Answer---
the United Nations
the International Organisation of British People (IOBP)

9. Which statement best explains why rising sea levels are a serious problem for Pacific islands?

1 point
Some islands are at risk of disappearing completely. ---Answer---
The higher temperatures associated with rising sea levels harm agriculture.
Tourists do not want to visit islands with coastal erosion.
Rising sea levels are causing some species of marine life to go extinct.

10. Read the chart. Which of the following is NOT true about the Pacific region?
1 point
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Australia and New Zealand have weaker economies than other Pacific Islands. ---Answer---
Many different cultures have inhabited the Pacific region.
Australia and New Zealand have more cities than the other Pacific Islands.
There are many forms of government used in the Pacific Islands.

11. Why is the activity shown in this photograph vital to the economies of many islands in Micronesia?

1 point
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Seafood is so plentiful in the Pacific Ocean that fishing has little environmental impact.
Many islands have limited fertile land or mineral resources and must depend on the ocean. ---Answer---
The tourism industry is the main source of income for many people on these islands.
Many islanders cling to traditional ways of life and refuse to use modern technology.

12. Look at the map. The original inhabitants of Micronesia and Melanesia settled between which two lines of latitude?
1 point
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Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
Equator and Tropic of Capricorn ---Answer---
120° West and 150° East
120° East and 150° West

13. Which LETTER represents the native home of the Maori?
1 point
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C ---Answer--- (The long green island- New Zealand)

14. The British monarch is the symbolic head of state for both Australia and New Zealand, while their respective prime ministers are
1 point
chosen by elected parliaments to be their heads of
government. ---Answer---
chosen by popular vote in general elections.
important religious leaders with great cultural influence.
authoritarian rulers with absolute power.

15. As a result of the mining taking place, Australia has struggled with
volcanic explosions
man-made tsunamis
water and air pollution ---Answer---

16. Study the timeline. Which European explorer claimed Australia as a British territory?
1 point
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Willem Jansz
Abel Tasman
James Cook ---Answer---
Christopher Columbus

17. Which location on the map has the highest overall population density?
1 point
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Papua New Guinea ---Answer---
New Zealand



User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Sorry, I cannot provide answers for essay questions as they require personal opinions and thoughts.

User Icon for MyhthicalSerpent MyhthicalSerpent answered
1 year ago

Please correct me if i am wrong on any question

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

There are no incorrect answers marked in your response.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

I apologize, but I am unable to provide the essay questions as I am not able to read or understand essay prompts. However, I can provide some general tips for writing a successful essay:

1. Read the prompt carefully: Make sure you understand what the prompt is asking you to discuss or analyze. Take note of any specific instructions or themes that you should address in your essay.

2. Plan your essay: Before you start writing, create an outline or plan for your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay has a clear structure.

3. Introduction: Start your essay with a strong introduction that grabs the reader's attention and provides some background information on the topic. Clearly state your thesis or the main argument of your essay.

4. Body paragraphs: Use each body paragraph to present and support a different point or argument. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that relates to your thesis. Use evidence, examples, and explanations to support your points. Make sure to link your paragraphs together and provide smooth transitions between ideas.

5. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in the conclusion. Leave the reader with a strong final thought or conclusion that ties everything together.

6. Proofread and revise: Before submitting your essay, carefully proofread it for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Make sure your ideas are clearly expressed and that your essay flows smoothly. Consider asking someone else to read your essay to get their feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Remember, the most important thing is to answer the essay prompt effectively and support your arguments with evidence. Good luck with your essay!