What are two disadvantages of fossil fuels?

Using fossil fuels does not provide enough electricity.
Higher amounts of fuels are needed in order to create just a little power.
Burning fossil fuels creates polluted smoke.
Fossil fuels are limited.
The heat given by fossil fuels is low in temperature

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

compared to other energy sources like nuclear power or renewables like solar or wind power. The production and consumption of fossil fuels also contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Extraction of fossil fuels can also be environmentally damaging, such as with oil spills or destruction of ecosystems during coal mining. Combustion of fossil fuels can also produce harmful pollutants that negatively impact human health, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

Whatโ€™s the answer

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Two disadvantages of fossil fuels are:

1. They contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, and
2. Extraction and consumption of fossil fuels can produce harmful pollutants that negatively impact human health and the environment.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

What pollutes the air the most




household products/open burning


User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Industrial and commercial activities are some of the largest contributors to air pollution. These activities emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other harmful pollutants into the air. Household products and open burning can also contribute to air pollution, but are typically on a smaller scale than industrial and commercial activities. Of the transportation options listed, planes and boats tend to be more polluting than trains, trucks and buses, and cars, but this can vary depending on the specific type of vehicle and its fuel efficiency.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

so the answer is industrial/commercial?

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Yes, that's correct. Industrial and commercial activities tend to be the largest contributors to air pollution.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

And which one polllutes the least

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Of the options listed, trains tend to be the least polluting mode of transportation, emitting less greenhouse gases and harmful pollutants per passenger mile than planes, boats, trucks, buses, and cars. However, it's worth noting that the environmental impact of each transportation mode can vary depending on factors like the type of vehicle, fuel efficiency, and distance traveled.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

How does carbon dioxide released by the burning of fossil fuels most likely affect earths climate?

1. It increases the acidity of earths water

2. It increases the amount of rain from clouds

3. It can contribute to global warming

4. It causes waterways to freeze at higher temperatures

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

The carbon dioxide released by the burning of fossil fuels most likely affects Earth's climate by contributing to global warming.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

So the answer is 3?

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Yes, that's correct. Answer 3. It can contribute to global warming is the correct answer.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

What are some reasons why soil is an important natural resource? Select 3 correct answers.

A. Soil filters or cleans the water

B soil can be used as an energy source

C soil is important for growing plants

D soil can be used to make bricks to build houses with

E soil can contain toxic chemical chemicals

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

A. Soil filters or cleans the water

C. Soil is important for growing plants
D. Soil can be used to make bricks to build houses with

These are the three correct answers. Soil is important because it filters and cleans the water through a natural process, it's essential for growing plants which is a source of food, and it can be used for construction purposes like making bricks to build houses. While soil can contain toxic chemicals, it is not a desirable property, rather it is a detrimental property. Soil is not typically used as an energy source.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

Why is soil considered to be a non renewable resource?

A. soil can take a long time to form and takes a long time to replace

B. Soil is constantly being made

C. Soil is made of fossil fuels

D. Soil is quickly replaced when it is used up

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Soil is considered to be a non-renewable resource because it can take a long time to form and takes a long time to replace, which is the answer A. Unlike renewable resources like solar or wind power, soil is not constantly being made. While soil can be enriched with nutrients and organic matter, the process of creating new soil can take hundreds or thousands of years. Therefore, soil is not quickly replaced when it is used up, making it a non-renewable resource. Soil is not made of fossil fuel and it is not a quick replacement resource.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

Conservation of resources includes

A. Using as much of a resource as possible

B. Protecting a resource so that it is not wasted or harmed and it will be available in the future

C. Only recycling

D. Only protecting a resource

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Conservation of resources includes protecting a resource so that it is not wasted or harmed and it will be available in the future, which is the answer B. Conserving resources means using them carefully and ensuring that they will be available for future generations. This may involve reducing consumption, recycling, reusing, or finding alternative resources. Using as much of a resource as possible, answer A, would not conserve the resource. Only recycling, answer C, is not a comprehensive approach to conservation that includes protecting the resource. Answer D, only protecting a resource, is too narrow and doesn't capture the full scope of conservation efforts.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

What would be the MOST REASONABLE ( easy for most people ) ways to conserve our natural resources?

A. Turn off the light when you leave a room

B. Stop using the air conditioner and the heater at home

C. ONLY use alternative power sources (solar,wind,water)

D. Stop driving cars forever

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

The most reasonable and easy ways for most people to conserve our natural resources are A. Turn off the light when you leave a room and B. Stop using the air conditioner and the heater at home, as both of these conserve electricity and energy that is generated from non-renewable energy sources. While using only alternative power sources, option C, may be ideal, it is not feasible for everyone due to factors like location, cost, and availability. Similarly, stopping driving cars forever, option D, is not feasible for most people due to factors like transportation needs and infrastructure.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

There can only be one answer tho

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

You are correct. If we have to choose the MOST reasonable way to conserve natural resources, it would be A. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. This is a very simple, easy and effective way to conserve electricity and reduce the use of non-renewable energy sources. It does not involve significant lifestyle changes or special technology or infrastructure.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

Which is an example of using a natural resource efficiently

A. Turning off the water when you are brushing your teeth

B. Wearing sunscreen when you go out in the sun

C. Watering the lawn on days when it has rained

D. Drinking from a water bottle then throwing it in the trash

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

An example of using a natural resource efficiently is option A, turning off the water when you are brushing your teeth. By turning off the water while brushing your teeth, you are conserving water and using the resource efficiently. Wearing sunscreen, option B, is not related to natural resource use. Watering the lawn when it has rained, option C, is inefficient and can lead to waste. Drinking from a water bottle then throwing it in the trash, option D, is not an efficient use of plastic, which is a natural resource.

User Icon for blah blah answered
1 year ago

what is the difference between renewable and non renewable resources

And include the words petroleum, hydroelectric power and sustainable

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

The main difference between renewable and non-renewable resources is that renewable resources can be replenished naturally and sustainably, while non-renewable resources are finite and cannot be replenished once they are used up. This makes renewable resources more sustainable over time, and non-renewable resources less sustainable as they become scarcer.

Petroleum is an example of a non-renewable resource because it is formed from fossilized organic matter over millions of years, and the rate of human consumption greatly exceeds the rate of natural production. This means that petroleum reserves are becoming depleted and will eventually run out if we do not find alternatives.

Hydroelectric power is an example of a renewable resource because it harnesses the natural power of water in a sustainable way. Water is used to generate electricity and can be replenished through natural processes such as rain and snow. As long as water cycles continue, hydroelectric power can be sustained over time.

Sustainable is a term used to describe practices that allow us to use resources in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This includes managing natural resources in a way that is regenerative, reducing waste and pollution, and ensuring equitable access to resources.