Name the factors and setting, also name the charcters, in ten paragprahs.

The glowering sun beat down on the rocky hills below, four figures could be seen walking along, the heat was intense and not a single tree could be seen for shade.
“This desert is hot!” Dozig murmured loudly, as he tripped over a sandy stone.
“This is not the desert,” Hornson said he pointed farther south, where sand dunes could be rising up about five miles away, “That is the desert.”
Dozig groaned and shuffled along, the heat in the meanwhile was torturing Waerg, his black armor was so hot he thought himself cooking. In addition, his grey skin sucked in all the heat it could like a sponge, he however was a mountains trasnos, he was Waerg the Massacrer he stumbled along and made no complaint not even a faint whimper escaped his lips.
The sandy rocks began to rise and the trasnos, and humans had to climb up the rocky grade. They continued to climb for some time. Lilia slipped once, but Dozig caught her and then hauled her to the top of the stony rise. He put her down on the ground.
“The desert is everywhere,” Dozig complained some more, everyone ignored him and marched ahead, where the burning hot sands formed a sea of glimmering shale. The dunes acting like waves of sand which rose and fell as it would in a sea.
There was not a single cloud to be seen in the sky, but as they gazed to the east a range of brown mountains rose up from the desert, and clouds were clinging to their peaks, like fluffy white hats, crowning the mountain tops.

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1 year ago

As they pressed on, they came across an abandoned campsite, complete with old, rusted weapons and scraps of cloth. Dozig searched the area briefly, but found nothing of interest and the group moved on.

The air was so dry, it felt like their throats were caked in sand, and Waerg grew increasingly desperate for water. Suddenly, they heard the sound of running water, and they rushed towards the source, only to find a dry river bed.
Frustrated, they continued their journey, and as they passed over a tall dune, they spotted a caravan in the distance. Lilia gasped and pointed, and they all hurried towards the caravan, hoping to find food and water.
As they approached, they saw three robed figures standing guard, but before they could do or say anything, a voice boomed from behind them. "State your business here. Who are you and what do you want?"
The group quickly turned around to face a man in flowing robes, carrying a scimitar. "We mean no harm," Hornson replied calmly. "We are travelers, seeking water and shelter from the heat."
The man eyed them suspiciously, but after a brief pause, he gestured for them to follow him. "Very well," he said. "Come with me. But be warned, the desert is treacherous and full of dangers."

Inside the caravan, they found a small oasis, complete with fresh water and a few trees for shade. They were introduced to the caravan master, a woman named Najwa, who welcomed them and offered them food and water.
As they rested, they learned that Najwa and her caravan were on a journey to the city of Al-Qasr, where they planned to sell their wares. They also heard rumors of bandits that roamed the desert, attacking caravans and stealing their goods.
Despite their exhaustion, the group knew that they couldn't stay for too long, as they had their own mission to complete. They thanked Najwa for her hospitality and continued on their way.
As they walked, they saw a group of bandits in the distance, riding on camels and carrying weapons. Fear gripped them, and they knew they had to act quickly.
Using their skills and weapons, they successfully fought off the bandits and escaped unharmed, but it was a reminder that the desert was not to be taken lightly.
The group pressed on, determined to complete their mission despite the harsh conditions and dangers of the desert.