20 of 2020 of 20 Items


The Carbon Cycle

Question 1
How does carbon enter the biotic components of the carbon cycle?
A through the process of respirationthrough the process of respiration
B through the process of photosynthesisthrough the process of photosynthesis
C through the combustion of fossil fuelsthrough the combustion of fossil fuels
D through decomposition of dead organismsthrough decomposition of dead organisms
Question 2
According to the law of conservation of matter, matter is not created or destroyed, it only changes form. Once carbon becomes part of the biotic components of the carbon cycle, how does it re-enter the atmosphere? All BUT ONE could apply.
A respirationrespiration
B ocean uptakeocean uptake
C factory emissionsfactory emissions
D combustion of fossil fuelscombustion of fossil fuels
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1 answer

Question 1: How does carbon enter the biotic components of the carbon cycle?

Answer options:
A) through the process of respiration
B) through the process of photosynthesis
C) through the combustion of fossil fuels
D) through decomposition of dead organisms

Correct answer: B) through the process of photosynthesis

Question 2: Once carbon becomes part of the biotic components of the carbon cycle, how does it re-enter the atmosphere?

Answer options:
A) respiration
B) ocean uptake
C) factory emissions
D) combustion of fossil fuels

Correct answer: All of the above except for B) ocean uptake.