2. You finished writing a research paper on the way modern technology affects communication within families. Now you need to include the citation for an editorial published in the Sacramento Gazette titled “Should We Just Text Our Children?” However, you don’t have the author’s name available. Which of the following would be the correct citation for the editorial?


A. “Should We Just Text Our Children?” Editorial. Sacramento Gazette. 5 Dec. 2002: A4.********
B. N/A. “Should We Just Text Our Children?” Sacramento Gazette. 5 Dec. 2002: A4.
C. “Should We Just Text Our Children?” Editorial. Sacramento Gazette. 5 Dec. 2002: A4

Proper MLA format - In choice A Sacramento Gazette is in italics...I asked this question yesterday but forgot to put that. I think it is A - any help is appreciated.

5 answers

Is this for the works cited list? Or for the in-text citation.

If for the latter, there are none correct.

If for the former, A is correct.
It is for a works cited and thank you...
You're welcome!
1. B
2. A
3. A
Hope this helps.
Thank you for letting me know!