2. With an increase in altitude, air pressure:
a. Increases at a constant rate
b. Increases at a decreasing rate
c. Decreases at a constant rate
d. Decreases at a decreasing rate
e. Decreases at an increasing rate
answer: e
4. The addition of water vapor into a volume of air will cause the density of air to:
a. Decrease
b. Increase
c. Stay the same
d. Vary widely in a horizontal direction
answer: a
5. Lines of equal pressure are called:
a. Isotherms
b. Isohyets
c. Isotachs
d. Isodrosotherms
e. Isobars
answer: e
6. Winds are generated by the:
a. Coriolis force
b. Pressure gradient force
c. Friction force
d. Centrifugal force
e. Centripetal force
answer: b
are these correct?