2. Which of the following reference points would allow you to observe the speed of a car that you are traveling in?
A. An airplane flying acroos the sky.
B. A car traveling next to you at the same speed you are traveling.
C. A car traveling next to you at a faster speed than you are traveling.
D. A billboard on the side of the road.***
3. Which of the following is an example of a SI unit for distance?
A. Mile
B. Meter ****
C. Second
D. Inch
4. If you were riding on a train, which of the following would look as if it is not moving?
A. The conductor walking by you
B. A building you are passing
C. A flying bird
D. A person sitting next to you*****
5 answers
I agree with all of your answers.
thank you:)
You are welcome.
The person sitting down beside u
Thanks for the answers .