- A. The need to destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
- B. The Taliban government was providing shelter to Al-Qaeda.
- D. A shortage of troops and equipment
2. What was cited as the main reason for invading Iraq in 2003? A. The need to destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction B. The need to secure Iraq's oil supply C. The need to capture Osama Bin Laden D. The need to liberate Kuwait 3. Why did the United States invade Afghanistan in 2001? A. Afghanistan was armed with weapons of mass destruction. B. The Taliban government was providing shelter to Al-Qaeda. C. The United States needed to secure Afghanistan's natural resources. D. Afghanistan was threatening to invade Pakistan. 4. Which of the following was not a struggle faced by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan? A. Difficulty reestablishing peace and stability in the region B. Continued resistance by terrorist and insurgent groups C. Unpopularity of the war at home D. A shortage of troops and equipment
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