2. Use the data in the following table to

• Prepare a frequency distribution of the respondents’ ages • Cross-tabulate the respondents’ genders with cola preference • which was the preferred cola

Individual Gender Age Cola Preference Weekly
Emily F 16 Pepsi 2
Frank M 19 Pepsi 5
Tony M 17 Coke 7
Jane F 21 Coke 2
Alice F 21 Pepsi 4
Mike M 18 Coke 4
Eddie M 17 Pepsi 8
Joe M 20 Coke 1

I can conclude just by looking at the table that 20 people purchased Pepsi 20 times per week. 14 people purchased Cok weekly so Pepsi is the preferred drink over Coke.
I have been researching the Internet on how to prepare a frquency table and I am getting conflicting info. Would you gaive me some tips?

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