2- The earth’s atmospheric pressure p is often modeled by assuming that the rate dpdhat Which p changes with the altitude above sea level is proportional to hp. Suppose that the pressure at sea level is 1013 millibars (about 14.7 pounds per square inch) and that the pressure at an altitude of km is millibars). 2050a) Solve the equation dpkpdh=( = constant) to express kp in terms of . Determine the values of and the constant of integration from the given initial conditions. hkb) What is the atmospheric pressure at 50h =km? c) At what altitude is the pressure equal to 900 millibars? d) At what altitude is the pressure equal to half it’s value at the sea level?

You need to supply the missing numbers in "the pressure at an altitude of ___km is ___ millibars". Also, the stated assumption that the rate of change dp/dh is proportional to h p is incorrect.