2. Read the story below and write 5 sentences about it. Use the past unreal conditional.
At the end of a long day, Dora prepared dinner and put
it on the stove. She was tired, so she went to rest on the
couch. “I’ll just close my eyes for two minutes,” she thought,
“then I’ll check on the food.” She woke up an hour later and
smelled smoke. Panicked, she ran into the kitchen, but it
was too late. A fire had started. She quickly looked for her
cell phone so she could call 911, but she couldn’t find it.
Meanwhile, the fire spread. She ran to a neighbor’s house
and called 911 from there. Firefighters arrived minutes
later. After they put out the fire, they asked her if her smoke
detector had gone off. That’s when she remembered that
it needed a new battery. She bought one the next day
together with a fire extinguisher.
Example: If Dora hadn’t been so tired
1 answer
1. If Dora had checked on the food after closing her eyes, she would have noticed the fire starting.
2. If Dora had found her cell phone, she would have called 911 earlier and the firefighters would have arrived sooner.
3. If Dora's smoke detector had been working with a new battery, it would have alerted her to the fire earlier.
4. If Dora had remembered to replace the battery in her smoke detector, the fire could have been prevented altogether.
5. If Dora hadn't needed to go to her neighbor's house to call 911, she would have been able to stay and assist the firefighters in putting out the fire.