# 2 Part 1 (worth 8 points) Mr. Peters learns to be satisfied with his life and decides not to use his third and final wish. Did Mr. Peters make the right decision to help him resolve his internal conflict? Compose an argument that is at least one paragraph in length. Support your claims with at least two valid and relevant pieces of evidence from the text, including direct quotes and page numbers.

#2 Part 2 (worth 8 points) In one or more paragraphs, describe a time when you experienced internal conflict. Explain your conflict. What was the outcome of that conflict?

1 answer

For question #1 we would have had to have read the same passage from a book (or poem). I do not know which story Mr Peters is in.
For question #2 You are looking for an internal conflict. This one gets to be personal to you : )
It could be as easy as "The conflict of Friday Night" You would have to list how the conflict occured (such as... you had to make a decision between going out to a movie with friends or visiting your grandmother). On one hand you would have a marvelous time with your friends eating popcorn and watching the latest movie, but on the other hand you enjoy spending time with your grandmother (as perhaps you share a hobby such as reading, scrapbooking, or baking). You have a "conflict" and a dilemma. The conflict is in the two things booked on the same night, the dilemma is which to choose. The internal piece of conflict is between your own happiness of hanging out with friends and your family obligations.
Hope this helps : )