2. Life in the city could be hectic. Particularly, for those who live in big cities like Lagos, it’s almost like living a DOG’S LIFE out there. 4. So, last December, my family and I decided to take a break from the hurly burly and go to a TRANQUIL environment for about two days. 9. After considering different tourist sites in Nigeria, we decided to visit Ikogosi Warm Springs. 1. The Ikogosi Warm Springs is a tourist attraction located at Ikogosi, a town in Ekiti State, southwestern Nigeria. 3. Flowing abreast the warm spring is another cold spring which meets the warm spring at a confluence, each maintaining its thermal properties. 10. These attributes make the spring a tourist attraction in the country. 7. Research suggests that the warm spring has a temperature of about 70°C at the source and 37°C at the confluence. 6. We booked hotel accommodation at the tourist site and each day we walked around, just to gaze at the beauty of nature. 5. We enjoyed our stay at the resort. 8. Ikogosi water resort is a good place to visit for singles and families.

One of the following sentences contains the main idea of the passage.

Sentence 5

Sentence 9

Sentence 2

Sentence 4

1 answer

b. Sentence 9