2. Last week, Roger suddenly quit his job. He told his family he had decided to learn carpentry. He purchased a truckload of wood and nails, which now sits in his driveway because he changed his mind and decided to enroll in a school for massage therapy. The school confirms that he registered but that he has not attended class. Roger claims that he can learn all he needs simply from reading the books. For the last three days, he has not slept. He started to read the massage therapy books but became so upset by the lack of quality photos in the texts that he bought a camera. Today, he is taking photos for his new career as a photojournalist.
3. George enters the clinic with his wife who says she “can’t take it anymore!” She states that George is carrying around a notebook in which he is constantly scribbling cryptic notes about everyone that he meets. He is parking his car a few blocks away from the house so he can watch who drives down the street and past his home. Yesterday, he came home early and taped all the shades down over the windows in the house.
4. Susanna appears in court this morning on check forgery charges. She is dressed in a black leather miniskirt, thigh-high black boots, a bright red, low-cut tank top, and earrings with bells that jingle when she moves. Throughout the proceedings, Susanna methodically files her fingernails. She adamantly states that she is not to blame for writing the bad checks despite the fact that she admits to stealing them from her father and signing his name. She makes it clear that her father owes her the money because he refused to pay for medical school (despite the fact that she never graduated from college) and ruined her career as a brilliant physician.
5. Anichka was walking her dog when suddenly and without warning, her heart began to pound, her legs began to tremble, and she became very dizzy. She was convinced she was having a heart attack right there on the street.
6. Noah is having trouble staying awake at work. Throughout the night he hears someone that tells him something is on fire in the house. He has been getting up 15 to 20 times during the night to check for smoke and to check the smoke alarm.
7. John is seen in the emergency room because his mother brought him in. He is dressed in a blue baseball cap, red striped pajamas, army combat boots, and large women’s clip-on earrings. He claims he has been “swatting sprocketgens” and “pounding the batjunkins with rose perfume.”
8. Maurice is sleeping 12 to 16 hours a day. Over the last two months, his weight has dropped 10 pounds, and he feels as if it takes all his effort to fix a simple bowl of soup. He feels as if he is sitting at the bottom of a hole and simply can’t climb out.
3 answers
We certainly can't diagnose these conditions on the basis of a few words.
2. Bipolar, manic stage?
3. Paranoia?
4. Antisocial personality Disorder?
5. Anxiety Disorder?
6. Hallucinations suggest some type of psychotic disorder?
7. Schizophrenia?
8. Depression?
3.paranoid schizophrenia
4.This one almost seems like Conduct Disorder
5.definitely panic attack... again 1st hand knowledge
6.possible OCD and insomnia
7.schizophrenia accompanied w/delusions
8.clinical depression
I also agree with Ms. Sue and PsyDAG... I would check symptoms in DSM-IV to be sure. However, questions #1,5, and 8 I am positive of, from my own diagnosis and symptoms before treatment. Hope this helps!