The appointed member can present the following conclusions to the rest of the class:
2.1. After a team discussion, it was concluded that some members of the team do struggle with time management issues. Examples of these struggles include frequently missing deadlines, constantly feeling rushed and overwhelmed, and frequently multitasking instead of focusing on one task at a time.
2.2. To optimize time management, the team members use various tools, techniques, and processes at work. Some of these include creating to-do lists and prioritizing tasks, using calendars and reminders to stay organized, utilizing time-tracking apps or software, and implementing project management methodologies such as agile or Scrum.
2.3. The team members have identified several work processes and practices that contribute to time management issues. These include frequent interruptions and distractions from colleagues or superiors, constant email notifications and excessive meetings, inefficient communication or lack of clear instructions, and unrealistic or changing deadlines.
2.4. During the brainstorming session, the team identified the top 5 time wasters for the members. These include social media and personal internet browsing, excessive time spent on non-work-related activities such as personal phone calls or texting, unnecessary meetings or discussions that could have been addressed through email or quick conversations, lack of a structured schedule or routine, and procrastination or lack of task prioritization.
2.5. External forces that may affect the ability of team members to manage their time optimally include unexpected emergencies or urgent tasks that arise, client or customer demands that require immediate attention, technological issues or system failures, and changes in project scope or requirements initiated by external stakeholders.
By presenting these conclusions, the team aims to provide insights into the time management challenges faced by team members, as well as the strategies and potential external factors that can impact their ability to effectively manage their time.
2. Hold a team discussion to conclude answers to the following questions: 2.1.
Does the members of the team struggle with time management issues? Explain with examples. (1)
2.2. What kinds of tools, techniques and processes do you use at work to try and optimise your time management? (2)
2.3. List examples of some of the work processes and practices (as experienced by the team members) which cause time management issues. (2)
2.4. Brainstorm a list and record the top 5 time waster of the members in the team. (5)
2.5. Give examples of external forces that may affect the ability of the team members to manage their time optimally. (2)
3. Appoint a member of the team to present your team's conclusions to the rest of the class.
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