2 fun facts about comets

what people should bring with them in 2050 on a tour of comets?

why is Pluto classified as a dwarf planet?

Pluto's distance from the sun

how long is a year on Pluto?

how long is a day on Pluto?

125-pound person weigh on Pluto.

temp on Pluto

Pluto's moons

things to do on pluto

1 answer

1. Comets are often nicknamed "dirty snowballs" because they are made up of ice, dust, and rocky material.

2. Comets have tails that can stretch for millions of kilometers away from the comet's nucleus.

In 2050, people going on a tour of comets should bring with them protective gear such as space suits, oxygen tanks, and communication devices to stay safe in the harsh conditions of space.

Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet because it has not cleared its orbit of other debris and objects, which is one of the criteria for being considered a full planet.

Pluto's distance from the sun varies between approximately 4.4 billion miles at its closest approach and 4.7 billion miles at its farthest distance.

A year on Pluto, or the time it takes for the dwarf planet to complete one orbit around the sun, lasts about 248 Earth years.

A day on Pluto, or the time it takes for the dwarf planet to rotate once on its axis, lasts about 6.4 Earth days.

A 125-pound person would weigh only about 7 pounds on Pluto due to the dwarf planet's lower gravity.

The temperature on Pluto can be extremely cold, reaching as low as -375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pluto has five known moons: Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra.

On a visit to Pluto, tourists could observe the unique scenery of icy mountains, explore the surface features of the dwarf planet, and study its atmosphere and geology.