2. Discuss the lotowing topic What it takes to work as a team member Sponsoris, Project team Other internal or external stakeholders. Record your map on A1 newsprint/flip chart paper as a mind map 5. Now identify possible examples of disruptive behaviours displayed by specific team members and note these examples on your mind map (Record at least 3 examples) 6. For each of the disruptive behaviour examples listed Write down what the possible consequences for the team/project/organisation may be and come up with a way to correct/address it 7. Appoint a presenter and present your team's mind-map to the rest of the class. Attach the following evidence to your portfolio: 1. A copy of your team's mind-map. 2. Key-notes on the different team's mind-map presentations. Feedback to Learner: Project manager, 3 Brainstorm behaviours and characteristics of individuals who are excedent team members and who contribute to high functioning team suncens Racord a summary on A1 news print/Pep 10134 CEK 10135 CCFO Organising Assessmant Method Team mand-mac An example would be: Joseph the project manager meets with all other project team members weekly on a Monday to finalise the workplan and progress for the week. Other project management team members chart paper 4. Now map out how a team members and other stakeholders interface (have contact with each other Think about the following role-players and stukafholders Customer/clients,

1 answer

Suppliers, Vendors, Contractors, Management, Shareholders, Government agencies, Regulatory bodies, Advisory board, Team sponsors, Project team members, Other internal or external stakeholders

Possible examples of disruptive behaviors displayed by specific team members:

1. Constantly missing deadlines or not completing assigned tasks
- Consequence: Delays in project timeline, decreased team morale
- Correction: Clearly communicate expectations and set up regular check-ins to ensure progress is being made

2. Dismissive or negative attitude towards team members' ideas and contributions
- Consequence: Decreased collaboration and creativity within the team
- Correction: Encourage open communication and establish a culture of respect and appreciation for all team members' input

3. Taking credit for others' work or not acknowledging team effort
- Consequence: Decreased motivation and trust among team members
- Correction: Clearly define roles and responsibilities, and highlight the importance of teamwork and recognition of individual contributions

Key-notes on the team's mind-map presentations:

- Importance of effective communication and collaboration within a team
- Recognition of the impact of disruptive behaviors on team dynamics and project success
- Strategies for addressing and correcting disruptive behaviors to maintain a high-functioning team

Overall, the team's mind-map highlighted the essential characteristics and behaviors of effective team members, as well as the potential consequences of disruptive behaviors. The presentation emphasized the importance of fostering a positive and supportive team environment to achieve project goals successfully.