2. Describe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. List and briefly outline the six different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.

so i cannot find it in my notes, and im struggling really bad please help.

83 answers

Describe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. (2 pts) List and briefly outline the six different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided. (6 pts)
idk I really don't know
Hi other Nessie! (giggles) I'm so sorry that some PEOPLE can't help you! lilly, please don't say you don't know! It's worthless to the poor girl! And Sabrina, please tell me how it helps to copy & paste the question back into this answering box? Ms. Sue, you normally give great help, but this time you gave her a LINK to a bunch of worthless fiddle-faddle? JUST GIVE HER THE ANSWER PEOPLE! I'm sorry for being harsh I hate being mean like this and you are all great tutors you just let vanessa down on this one. That's all i'm saying.

Sending warm hugs from Arendelle,

Vanessa Skellington
the thing is nobody here wants to go through the work to help get her an answer and that is really sad. i will see what i can do:)
At the beginning of the paleozoic era there was a big boom in animal life on planet earth, and in the end there was a mass extinction wiping out 90% of major animals. The first period in the Paleozoic era, the Cambrian period, was the time when most major animals appeared on earth. By the next period, the Ordovacian period, organisms could now live on land and now just water. During the Silurian Period, the earth went through a lot of changes, such as glaciers melting. During The Devonian period, The first land living vertabraes, tetrapods, and terrestrial arthropods appeared on the earths surface. During the Carboniferous period, the birds evolved to lay eggs so they could explore further inland. During the permian periond, the largest mass extinction ever recorded happened, wiping out 90% of life.
I did a lot of research on this so I hope it helps! :)
And josd I noticed that you never actually did any research on it, and if you did, you didn't post the answer.
EB: i agree with HomoNovus :B
All I can say is Jiskha is the best place ever and you caring tutors are what make it like that I just want to say thank u to all of u
i love how people say cheaters when they would have to search the question to find this in the first place.. + some of us ask just to make sure our answers are correct not to cheat.
Umm... I have the same question, and well, I love to help, but.. well... Oh and Try another place, bc this really isn't helping... Just saying
FFs u right
List and briefly outline the six different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.

Can someone answer this part for me I am confused and I can't find it anywhere.
Let's be real guys, we all know we just come to get the answers lol. GUILTY!
Guys! there are 3 vanessas here! what a coincidence!

It's not really cheating if they explain it to you so you understand.
4 years after, people are still arguing
You all sit here and hate when the link that Mrs. Sue gave had all the answers. It's called teaching them how to look things up and find the answers on your own instead of having someone give them the answers.
HELP ME!!!!!
This is now help at all you teachers need to try to help more like just asking a question with no help that's crapy bro just crapy
teacher don't even help that's just trash bro.
Ms.Sue probably isn't even a REAL teacher
Well HomoNovus Answered, they said: At the beginning of the paleozoic era there was a big boom in animal life on planet earth, and in the end there was a mass extinction wiping out 90% of major animals. The first period in the Paleozoic era, the Cambrian period, was the time when most major animals appeared on earth. By the next period, the Ordovacian period, organisms could now live on land and now just water. During the Silurian Period, the earth went through a lot of changes, such as glaciers melting. During The Devonian period, The first land living vertabraes, tetrapods, and terrestrial arthropods appeared on the earths surface. During the Carboniferous period, the birds evolved to lay eggs so they could explore further inland. During the permian periond, the largest mass extinction ever recorded happened, wiping out 90% of life.
I did a lot of research on this so I hope it helps! :)
Thank you. :)
Uhhhhh, I am so sorry, but I am not getting the anwser at all. Was this supposed to help me?
dudes....there are like 12 billion comments on here and not one of them is what this girl was lookin for, granted, shes probs lookin fo tha answer not help but still xD
Thank you ms.sue we were on the wrong link The Paleozoic Eon not Era.
Ms. Sue juss need to help and make sure we understand what we are during. And matter of fact I think Ms. Sue is fake and she really is, and those are big ole facts. She might can give us all deez links that are not given us fully understand of what we are doing. She need to help us more. Cause in Connection Academy we don't have regular teachers like the other schools have. Ms. Sue need to kno that we are being HOMESCHOOL.
Auto Correction^^doing
ms sue gave us the right answer learn how to read and also its Ms not MRS she isnt married show respect.
At the beginning of the paleozoic era there was a big boom in animal life on planet earth, and in the end there was a mass extinction wiping out 90% of major animals. The first period in the Paleozoic era, the Cambrian period, was the time when most major animals appeared on earth. By the next period, the Ordovacian period, organisms could now live on land and now just water. During the Silurian Period, the earth went through a lot of changes, such as glaciers melting. During The Devonian period, The first land living vertabraes, tetrapods, and terrestrial arthropods appeared on the earths surface. During the Carboniferous period, the birds evolved to lay eggs so they could explore further inland. During the permian periond, the largest mass extinction ever recorded happened, wiping out 90% of life.
all this information has nothing to do with the question i mean it does but not that much
ok, I have no clue how to do this and I really need this answer or ima be a FAILURE IN LIFE DONT LET ME BE A FAILURE PLEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!
pls just someone say the answer already cuz no one is getting helped by you just chatting with the other people and arguing about the flippi answers just... just please come up with the answere already
@Pinky same bruh but I don't copy directly
ok so the beginning of the Paleozoic era was marked by a sudden explosion of invertebrate species, while the end of the Paleozoic era was marked by a mass extinction of invertebrates, vertebrates, amphibians, and reptiles species and began the Mesozoic era.

idk thats what i put hope this helps (4 years later lol) <3
^ also, the six periods of the Paleozoic era are Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and the Permian period.
It isn't considered cheating. We're just using our resources
2.3% of people here are just trying to check there answers
97.7% are here to cheat and are lying to themselves saying they aren't
Wow 6 years and STILL ARGUING!!!! You people GET A LIFE! These tutors are RETIRED, so they DO HAVE TEACHING EXPERIENCE. Maybe you guys just need to go and teach middle school, see how U LIKE IT. Sure, middle school is hard, and I'm in 8th grade and almost in high school, so I know by experience. But seriously, you guys who are playing the blame game get NO WHERE. Just be responsible online and LOOK. IT. UP. NOT. THAT. HARD. You people are just freaking lazy!
Ms. Sue and the other tutors are just giving you RESOURCES. So get off your lazy bum and do the work and you will be proud of yourself instead of just cheating. YOU WILL GET CAUGHT!
@Foxy I never get caught. ;-; I have been living my entire year cheating my way through... and I have almost all A’s sooo
@ChikenNugget, seriously, you will get caught at some point so I suggest you DO THE FREAKIN WORK YOURSELF

2019 and all the homeschoolers come to unite, how's the turtle breeding going for everyone ;3
The answer to the six periods are Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian period.
Here is my answer

At the beginning of the Paleozoic era, multicelled creatures went through a massive change, they went from being similar creatures to almost what we have now. At the end of the Paleozoic era, the largest extinction in history happened, cancelling almost aquatic species. The Paleozoic era is divided by these periods: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian.

hope this helps (also thank you for the link Ms, Sue, it really helped)
I think Ms. Sue is an AI
pinkie and poochie yall are so mean your also the same person btw mrs sue died
oh I just moved from al im now in texas im a texas girl now
its been years its 2020 now still fighting
Yeah... I'm just putting what @HomoNovous put. Tell me if I'm wrong
I cringed from reading all of this,, using the answers given to you by your peers isn't really cheating if they explain it, this way you have the correct answer and your learning from it in the explanation. Just chill out, this is a homework website, not some twitter debate.
why is this still going on??? honestly
i hate those people that come here to jiskha, just to say "DO YOUR OWN WORK!!!" when their also on the page because their also cheating and saying "im just here to check my answer" doesn't make it of a difference because if you got the wrong answer you'' just change it to the right answer which is considered the same thing as us "cheaters"
vDescribe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the
beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. (2 pts) List and briefly outline the six
different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.Describe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the
beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. (2 pts) List and briefly outline the six
different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.Describe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the
beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. (2 pts) List and briefly outline the six
different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.Describe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the
beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. (2 pts) List and briefly outline the six
different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.vDescribe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the
beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. (2 pts) List and briefly outline the six
different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.Describe the two most important events in the history of animal life that occurred at the
beginning and at the end of the Paleozoic era. (2 pts) List and briefly outline the six
different periods into which the Paleozoic era is divided.v
wow this is a very long comment stream stretching on years. But thank you!
Lmaoo the comments from 2020 (my name is dream cause i saw someone with gogy as a name)
@Hamburgerhelper and @hypocrites is 100% Correct! Thank you guys so much. To the people that keep saying "DO YOUR OWN WORK and STOP CHEATING" Well I hate being mean so, you are on the page and yes, I know some people do come here to get the full answer but some dont! Some come here to get help if they don't understand or their teacher wasn't getting them enough info. Yes, cheaating is bad, online, on paper, we dont need to be doing it. But this is a homework HELPING site. Not a homework cheating site. So please, stop the hate!

Thank you so much

Vanessa Skellington
Maybe just anwser the freaking question! thiis stupid assignment is killing mu brain, and other people to! lets stop the drama and this mrs. sue poo thing and get the anwser!
Vanessa, you just have to much time on your hands! and you are making people mad! Instead of being 'no cheating' this and that, maybe you COULD BE THE ONE TO HELP US OUT INSTEAD OF BEING A 'your cheating, your stupid' DIVA, MAYBE ITS YOUR TURN TO GET A LIFE INSTEAD OF SCREWING AROUND WITH THESE POSTS!
How do you like that vanessa? sounds good huh?
Your welcome for the people who are getting hated by this VANESSA girl.
Hope, you all have good lives!
Love you all!
vanessa is rude.
#do you here what she is saying?
This website is supposed to help me GAIN brain cells. But however just by seeing these toxic people I'm losing brain cells...
all we want is help. and were not getting it. will ANYONE BE GENEROUS ENOUGH TO HELP(idk how i can possibly be of any help.) WILL ANYONE EVEN CARE ENOUGH THERE COULD BE ANYONE HERE THAT NEEDS HELP AND ISNT GETTING IT. JUST. HELP. US PLEASE
u right i am a connexus student an it is now 2020 one more day and i will have my son and last time i used jshika was about 10 yrs ago i cannot belive i foud the same queston and website again i used to use this to cheat (clears throat) check if my answer is right all the time HAHAHA jk im a 12 yr old getting a bro tomorrow ☹ 4th bro on the way
cool where is the answers like i need to do my work
At the beginning of the paleozoic era there was a big boom in animal life on planet earth, and in the end there was a mass extinction wiping out 90% of major animals. The first period in the Paleozoic era, the Cambrian period, was the time when most major animals appeared on earth. By the next period, the Ordovacian period, organisms could now live on land and now just water. During the Silurian Period, the earth went through a lot of changes, such as glaciers melting. During The Devonian period, The first land living vertabraes, tetrapods, and terrestrial arthropods appeared on the earths surface. During the Carboniferous period, the birds evolved to lay eggs so they could explore further inland. During the permian periond, the largest mass extinction ever recorded happened, wiping out 90% of life.
i was once beerus.
Here a question for all the people calling everyone cheats. Why r u on this app anyways or did u just get it to make people feel bad ,like r yall feeling better or something live people alone it's non of yalls business what there doing in there life ,so do use all a favor and stop and bud out and thx ,love yall
my braincells hurt cuz of all this fighting T^T
This is Ms. Smith at Connections Academy. This is a question on a portfolio assignment and if you copy this answer, as I see that one of my students just did, you will be written up, just like this student will be.

This is a violation of the Honor Code and could lead to expulsion. It is a serious matter. We even allow corrections up to full points back on any incorrect parts of the assignment. There is no excuse for this. Stop plagiarizing, yes, it is plagiarizing; put some effort into your school work and use what you were given...YOUR BRAIN!
Ms. Smith, not everyone on here is going to use this website to 'plagiarize' someone else's work. Some people just use this website to study or to review/check their answers.
almost 8 years of fighting but no answers yet?
No seriously how did you guys fight for 8 years and not come up with any answers -_-