2.   Because information listed on a website can change from day to day, _______ must be included in the end citation on the Works Cited page.A. the title of the siteB. the publication dateC. the date of accessD. the URLStudent Answer: B    

Answer: IncorrectReference: 

9.   A disadvantage of using a sentence outline instead of a topic outline is that a sentence outline is oftenA. overreliant on big ideas.B. not descriptive.C. time-consuming to develop.D. underdeveloped.Student Answer: D    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

13.   Any quotation taken word for word from a source must be enclosed in quotation marks and cited. This is called a(n)A. plagiarized statement.B. direct quotation.C. paraphrased statement.D. end citation.Student Answer: A    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

15.   Which two things must be accomplished by the introduction if the author's using a safe order?A. Establish your point of view and plan the ending.B. Begin the main body paragraphs and delve into your story.C. Hook the reader and present the general idea or definition of your subject.D. Present the topic and use parallel structure.Student Answer: D    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

18.   Read the following paragraph. Then answer the question that follows it.

Stand before a mirror. Put the bow tie under your collar. Pull the right end so that it's an inch or two longer than the left end. Now take the right end with your right hand and loop it over the left end. Pull it up inside and then cross it, so that it hangs again on the right side. Pull tight. Now both ends should be about the same length.

Which of the following is an example of a paraphrase?A. The author instructs the reader to pull the ends of the bow tie tight until both ends are just about the same length.B. Stand before a mirror.C. Put the bow tie under your collar.D. Take the right end with your right hand and loop it over the left end.Student Answer: C    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

19.   The information included in the Works Cited page must correspond withA. the citations included within the body of your essay.B. the information listed in the introduction of your essay.C. the conclusions you have drawn from your research.D. the number of individual authors used in your research.Student Answer: B    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

20.   Failing to accurately cite even a single sourceA. will certainly cause problems with the logic of the essay.B. can result in accusations of plagiarism.C. isn't an error that will cause problems for the author.D. will definitely result in errors with other citations.Student Answer: D    

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