Average Yearly Temperature of World Cities

Location Average Yearly Temperature Latitude
Bangkok, Thailand 30.4°C 13°N
Cairo, Egypt 22.0°C 30°N
Berlin, Germany 9.6°C 52°N
Reykjavik, Iceland 5.0°C 64°N

The average yearly temperatures and latitudes of four cities are shown in the table above. Which of the following is demonstrated by the cities in the table?
The climate of an area is never influenced by the region's latitude.
Climate is only influenced by latitude in the Southern Hemisphere.
As latitude decreases, average yearly temperature generally decreases.
As latitude decreases, average yearly temperature generally increases.

1 answer

D. As latitude decreases, average yearly temperature generally increases.

This statement is supported by the data provided in the table. The cities with lower latitudes (Bangkok and Cairo) have higher average yearly temperatures compared to the cities with higher latitudes (Berlin and Reykjavik).