2 adults and 2 kids go on a trip and 1 adult or 2 kids can fit on the canoe. How do they all get to the other side.

3 answers

2 kids row across, one rows back. Adult rows across and kid rows back. (Repeat)
damon has 4 times as many stamps as julia. julia has 4 times as many stamps as claire. claire has 4 stamps. write the number of stamps damon has in both exponentail form and standard form.
Let's name everyone. Kid 1 and Kid 2, Adult B and Adult C. We'll call the "other side" point B and the starting side point A.

1. Kid 1 and Kid 2 gets on the canoe and rows to point B, Kid 2 gets off, Kid 1 takes the canoe and rows back to point A.
2. Kid 1 gets off, Adult B gets on rows to point B, Kid 2 gets on and rows back to point A.
3. Kid 1 and Kid 2 gets on from point A, goes to point B, Kid 2 gets off, Kid 1 rows back to point A.
4. Kid 1 gets off, Adult C rows to Point B, Adult C gets off, Kid 2 gets on, rows to Point A, picks up Kid 1 and they both row back to Point B.

Tada! There you have it! :)