A spy stands on the sidewalk by an apartment building examining a foreign embassy across the street. The spy then climbs 30 m to the top the building and then slides 40 m along a wire at a 20° angle below right to reach a window on the embassy. What is their total displacement from the sidewalk to the embassy window? (I'm not too sure which way the 20 degree wire is going)
The x- components : 40 cos 20= 37.588
The y- components : 30-40 sin 20= -6.518
Resultant: <37.588, -6.518>
Final answer is 38.149
An army tank division leaves base and travels 30 miles at 30° S of W and then turns and travels 70 miles at 10° N of W. What is their total displacement from base at the end of the trip?
A= <30 cos 210, 30 sin 210>
B= <70 cos 170, 70 sin 170>
Resultant: <-94.917, -2.845>
Final answer is 94.959 m
A spider starts walking from the center of a piece of paper and walks 10 cm at 15° N of W and then walks 23 cm at 70° S of E before resting. What is the spider’s total displacement from the center to their resting place?
A= <10 cos 165, 10 sin 165>
B = <23 cos 290, 23 sin 290>
Resultant: <-1.793, -19.025>
Final answer is 19.109 cm
A hiker starts at the base of the trail and hikes 350 m up a slope at a 10° angle above right. They come to a switchback and head 500 m up a slope at 7° above left. What is the hiker’s total displacement from the base of the trail when they reach the end of the second leg?
A= <350 cos 10, 350 sin 10>
B= <500 cos 173, 500 sin 173>
Resultant: <-151.590, 121.712>
Final answer is 194.405 m
***I reposted this questions becuase they weren't answered.
2 answers
#3: ok
#4: ok
#5: ok