The difference between the decimal system and a number of any other base is what each digit represents.
For example, in the decimal system, the first digit on the right represents units, the second, tens (10^1), hundreds (10^2), etc.
By dividing a decimal number by five, the remainders will be successively the digits from left to right.
Take for an example, 2631
2631/5=526 R1 (units digit)
526/5=105 R1 (digit for 5)
105/5=21 R0 (digit for 5^2=25)
21/5=4 R1 (digit for 5^3=125)
4/5=0 R4 (digit for 5^4=625)
So the number 2631=410115
So proceed the same way for 2874 and post for answer check if you wish.
2,874 to base five
3 answers
42,444 base 5