To perform this calculation, we'll add the two numbers together in scientific notation:
2.8725 × 10^9 + 2.279 × 10^8
First, let's make the exponents the same by multiplying the second number by 10:
2.8725 × 10^9 + 22.79 × 10^7
Now we can add the numbers:
2.8725 × 10^9 + 22.79 × 10^7 = 2.8725 × 10^9 + 2.279 × 10^8
Next, we'll add the coefficients:
2.8725 + 2.279 = 5.1515
Finally, we'll keep the exponent from the larger number, which is 10^9:
5.1515 × 10^9
So the sum of 2.8725 × 10^9 and 2.279 × 10^8 is 5.1515 × 10^9.
2.8725 × 10v9 + 2.279 × 10v8 show your work
1 answer