2.3 Match Column A with Column B in term of Bahaullah laws (5)

Column A Column B
2.3.1 Recite in daily prayer a) Alcohol
2.3.2 Fasting b) This is forbidden
2.3.3 Gossip and backbiting c) Baha’is are required to give 19% of their net-worth
2.3.4 Alcohol d) The Baha,i fast for 19 days in a year
2.3.5 Giving of alms e) Prayer brings us closer to God

1 answer

Column A Column B
2.3.1 Recite in daily prayer e) Prayer brings us closer to God
2.3.2 Fasting d) The Baha'i fast for 19 days in a year
2.3.3 Gossip and backbiting b) This is forbidden
2.3.4 Alcohol a) Alcohol
2.3.5 Giving of alms c) Baha’is are required to give 19% of their net-worth