2.1.1. The five factors that contribute to the establishment of trust in relationships are:
1. Reliability: Demonstrating consistency and reliability in one's actions and behaviors builds trust. When people can depend on others to follow through on commitments and promises, trust is established.
2. Competence: When individuals perceive others as competent and capable in their roles, trust is cultivated. This involves having the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to fulfill responsibilities successfully.
3. Integrity: Acting with integrity and displaying honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior contributes to trust. People trust those who consistently demonstrate moral principles and are trustworthy individuals.
4. Mutual respect: Respecting others' opinions, ideas, and beliefs fosters trust. When individuals feel heard, valued, and respected, it creates a foundation for trust to develop.
5. Open communication: Engaging in open and honest communication promotes trust. Effectively sharing information, listening actively, and being transparent in communication processes enhances trust in a relationship.
2.1.2. The factors that influence the cohesiveness of a group can vary, depending on various factors such as the group's purpose, members' personalities, and the dynamics within the group. Some factors that generally contribute to group cohesion include:
1. Common goals: When group members share common objectives and work towards a shared purpose, it fosters a sense of unity and cohesion. For example, in a project team, all members working towards achieving the same outcome can enhance group cohesiveness.
2. Group identity: Developing a collective identity and a sense of belonging within the group increases cohesion. This can be achieved through shared values, norms, and identity markers. For instance, in a sports team, having team uniforms and traditions can strengthen group cohesion.
3. Interdependence: When group members rely on each other to achieve mutual goals, it enhances cohesiveness. Interdependence creates a sense of accountability and reliance, contributing to stronger group bonds. An example could be a music band where each member's contribution is crucial to the overall performance.
4. Positive group dynamics: Positive interactions among group members, such as support, encouragement, and camaraderie, contribute to group cohesion. For example, a study group where members provide help and encouragement to each other fosters a cohesive environment.
5. Effective leadership: Strong and effective leadership plays a critical role in group cohesiveness. A leader who fosters trust, facilitates communication, and manages conflicts positively can enhance group cohesion. An example can be a supervisor who actively listens to employees' concerns, provides guidance, and builds a sense of camaraderie within the team.
2.1. During the group’s life span, members develop a sense of friendship and trust which leads to high group cohesion; hence, some members might become depressed during the adjourning stage.2.1.1. State the five factors that contribute to the establishment of trust in relationships. (5)2.1.2. Identify the factors that influence the cohesiveness of a group and describe by means of examples the factors that are applicable to your group. (10)
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