1. What was a drawback to living in the Roman Empire?

As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

Roman law treated Romans of color unequally.

If you were born to a low status family, you had no chance of becoming powerful.

Compared to living in other ancient civilizations, there were no serious drawbacks.

2. The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of
as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor

3. What was true about slavery in the Roman Empire?

Under Pax Romana, emperors passed laws helping enslaved people.

Romans enslaved people based on skin color.

On average, enslaved Romans died young.

Enslaved Romans could not become wealthy.

4. How did Jesus’s teachings reach so many people in the early Roman empire?

through forced conversions on the orders of the emperor

through the decision of a council of bishops

through local laws dictated by the Pope

through the support of important Roman generals

through the travels of his followers on Roman roads

5. Read the quotation. Then use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

"Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same."

―Luke 3:11

This quotation reflects Jesus’s teachings about _____.
(option 1) showing compassion for the poor
(option 2) forgiving those who have sinned
(option 3) resisting temptation
(option 4) the nature of the soul and salvation

6. Drag and drop the items to match the holy writings of the Christian religion.

Gospels Epistles Revelation

(options for each box)


last book

return of Jesus

teachings of Jesus

many written by Paul

7. (a picture of a cross/crucifix is shown) What does this symbol represent in Christianity?

the birth of the Messiah

the ritual meal of the Eucharist

the death and resurrection of Jesus

the love for one God above all others

8. Which best describes the role of the New Testament in Christianity?

It is the part of the Christian scripture that repeats Jewish teachings.

It is the term for the Christian Bible.

It is the part of the Christian scriptures that tells about the life of Jesus.

It is the only scripture important to Christians.

9. What was a right that women had during the Roman Empire?

A right to own property

Women had equal rights to men during the Roman Empire

A right to a job of their choice

Women had no rights during the Roman Empire

10. (a map of Rome during 117 CE is shown) Use the map to answer the question.

How did geography help make Rome a site of encounter?

Rome was difficult to travel to, so people from other civilizations left it alone and it developed in peace.

The Mediterranean Sea helped it connect with civilizations in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Its location in Central Europe made it a focal point of migration and interaction on the continent.

The relatively level terrain of Europe made it easy for Romans to travel and trade across long distances.

11. Roman technology allowed:

Romans to live healthier lives, relative to other ancient civilizations.

Romans to do jobs other than farming, relative to other ancient civilizations.

more Romans to be free rather than enslaved, relative to other ancient civilizations.

the Roman Empire to have a democratic government.

12. Which fact most clearly shows the difficulty in defending the Roman empire against invasion?

At its height, the empire likely had a population as high as 100 million.

At its height, the empire comprised nearly 1.7 million square miles of land and water.

Over the course of its history, the Roman empire built about 55,000 miles of paved roads.

The Mediterranean Sea stretches about 2,300 miles west to east and about 600 miles from Italy to the African coast.

13. Drag and drop events to list them in order from what happened first (top) to what happened last (bottom).

Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them.

Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus.

Imperial Crisis leads to civil war.

Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome.

14. For Rome, which was the most serious consequence of the invasion of the Huns?

The Huns conquered and overthrew the western empire.

The Huns attacked the Germanic tribes, who became refugees.

The Huns devastated large parts of the empire.

The Huns's invasions led to inflation that wrecked the Roman economy.

15. Drag and drop people and elements of government and culture to match each empire. Choices may be used once or more than once.

Roman Empire Byzantine Empire

(options to put in the box)



dependent on trade

16. How does the work of Eastern Orthodox missionaries Cyril and Methodius show the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia?

Russian emperors took the title tsar.

Russian bishops forbade the use of icons.

Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.

Russians began speaking and writing in Greek.

17. Which of the following was a major factor in the decline of the Byzantine empire?

conversion of the Slavs


arrival of invaders

recapture of Rome

18. Drag and drop words and phrases to complete the sentences.

(option 1) emperor (option 2) legal (option 3) Justinian’s Code (option 4) (option 5) patriarch (option 6) religious (option 7)Twelve Tables
The Byzantine empire drew on the long _______
tradition of the Roman empire. This included the laws and edicts of former Roman emperors as well as laws from the Roman republic, such as the
______. One Byzantine wanted to simplify the laws so he appointed committees to go through the Roman laws and decisions. They produced a unified system of laws known as _______.

19. Select the boxes to classify the beliefs and practices.

Roman Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox Church Both

emperor as head of the church

Holy Bible

Jesus as savior

pope as head of the church

20. Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

The Great Schism resulted most directly from the ______.
(drop down options)
(option 1) actions of iconoclasts
(option 2) ruling of the council of Nicea
(option 3) Byzantine rejection of the pope
(option 4) conversion of Constantine

21. What was the Roman empire's views on Christianity at various points in its history? What caused them to change over time?

22. What was the Imperial Crisis, and what effect did it have on the fall of the Roman empire?

Please help I didn't understand much of this

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

1. A - As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

2. Augustus, Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
3. C - On average, enslaved Romans died young.
4. E - through the travels of his followers on Roman roads.
5. A - showing compassion for the poor.
6. Gospels - teachings of Jesus, Epistles - many written by Paul, Revelation - last book and return of Jesus.
7. C - the death and resurrection of Jesus.
8. C - It is the part of the Christian scriptures that tells about the life of Jesus.
9. A - A right to own property.
10. B - The Mediterranean Sea helped it connect with civilizations in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
11. B - Romans to do jobs other than farming, relative to other ancient civilizations.
12. D - The Mediterranean Sea stretches about 2,300 miles west to east and about 600 miles from Italy to the African coast.
13. Imperial Crisis leads to civil war, Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them, Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome, Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus.
14. C - The Huns devastated large parts of the empire.
15. Roman Empire - Augustus and dependent on trade, Byzantine Empire - Justinian and dependent on trade.
16. C - Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.
17. C - arrival of invaders.
18. legal, Twelve Tables, Justinian's Code.
19. Roman Catholic Church - Holy Bible and pope as head of the church, Eastern Orthodox Church - emperor as head of the church and Holy Bible, Both - Jesus as savior.
20. Option 3 - Byzantine rejection of the pope.
21. The Roman Empire initially viewed Christianity as a threat, leading to persecution of Christians. However, the empire eventually accepted Christianity and even made it the state religion under Emperor Constantine. Over time, the influence of the Catholic Church over the empire led to power struggles and eventually the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.
22. The Imperial Crisis was a period of political instability and economic decline that led to civil war and invasions from foreign powers. This weakened the Roman Empire and contributed to its eventual fall.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
1 year ago

for number 2, Augustus wasnt an option.

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

I apologize for the error. The correct answer for number 2 is:

The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of Emperor Augustus as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
1 year ago

The options are Hadrian, Octavian, Tajan, and Julius Caesar

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

The correct answer for question number 2 is Octavian.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
1 year ago

on 6. where do letters and parables go?

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Gospels - parables, Epistles - letters, Revelation - last book and return of Jesus.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
1 year ago

18. The Byzantine empire drew on the long

tradition of the Roman empire. This included the laws and edicts of former Roman emperors as well as laws from the Roman republic, such as the
Twelve Tables
. One Byzantine
Justinian’s Code
wanted to simplify the laws so he appointed committees to go through the Roman laws and decisions. They produced a unified system of laws known as

you left out the last option

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

I apologize for the error. The unified system of laws produced by Justinian's committee is known as 'Justinian's Code'.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

I'll be happy to help you understand and answer these questions. Let's break them down one by one.

1. What was a drawback to living in the Roman Empire?
To answer this question, you need to consider the given options and choose the one that identifies a drawback. In this case, option A, "As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved," would be the correct answer. This drawback refers to the large population of enslaved individuals in the Roman Empire.

2. The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of ________ as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor ________.
To find the answer to this question, you need to know who led Rome during the Pax Romana and who the emperor was when it ended. The answer is:

- The rise of Augustus as the leader of Rome
- The death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius

So the sentence would be completed as: The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of Augustus as the leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

3. What was true about slavery in the Roman Empire?
To answer this question, you need to consider the given options and choose the one that correctly describes slavery in the Roman Empire. Option C, "On average, enslaved Romans died young," is the correct answer. It states a fact about the life expectancy of enslaved Romans in the empire.

4. How did Jesus's teachings reach so many people in the early Roman empire?
To answer this question, you need to consider the given options and choose the one that best explains how Jesus's teachings spread. Option E, "through the travels of his followers on Roman roads," is the correct answer. It suggests that the followers of Jesus spread his teachings by traveling on the extensive network of Roman roads.

5. The quotation reflects Jesus’s teachings about _____.
To answer this question, you need to analyze the quotation from Luke and choose the option that best summarizes the teachings reflected in the quote. The correct answer is option 1, "showing compassion for the poor," as the quote emphasizes the importance of sharing resources with those in need.

6. Match the holy writings of the Christian religion.
To solve this question, you need to match the items correctly, considering their descriptions. Here is the correct match:

- Gospels - teachings of Jesus
- Epistles - many written by Paul
- Revelation - book about the return of Jesus

7. What does the cross/crucifix symbol represent in Christianity?
To answer this question, you need to identify the meaning of the symbol shown in the image. The correct answer is C, "the death and resurrection of Jesus," as the cross/crucifix is a symbol of Jesus's crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.

8. Which best describes the role of the New Testament in Christianity?
To answer this question, you need to choose the option that accurately describes the role of the New Testament. The correct answer is C, "It is the part of the Christian scriptures that tells about the life of Jesus," as the New Testament contains the accounts of Jesus's life, teachings, and the early Christian community.

9. What was a right that women had during the Roman Empire?
To answer this question, you need to choose the option that identifies a right that women had during the Roman Empire. The correct answer is A, "A right to own property," as women in the Roman Empire could own and inherit property.

Please let me know if you would like help with the remaining questions or need further clarification on any of the previous answers.

User Icon for lily from connexois lily from connexois answered
8 months ago

bot made me miss two quitions i have a B if my open responses where right