#19, Inclusive Language-Quoting from Biased Material - The mayors and their wives were invited on a tour of the state buildings.

Answer: The maors and their wives[sic] were invited on a tour of the state buildings.

#8. Puctuation-colon - Studing is exciting: find something about the subject that interest you and resolve to become an expert.

Answer: No chang

2 answers

Shouldn't #8 be:
Studying is exciting; find something about the subject that interests you and resolve to become an expert.

Or are you SUPPOSED to put a colon?
"Anonymous" is correct; a semicolon there would be better.

But if you MUST have a colon in that place, at least put a capital F on "find" since you are starting a complete sentence with that word.

It also helps if you put the REAL SUBJECT in the School Subject line. Then the teachers here will know what type of help is needed. Thanks.
