Primary source: Zimmerman telegram

1. What can you infer from the primary source about the purpose of this plece of literature?
2. How did the author intend for his work to be taken and used?
3. Was he trying to be controversial or calming?
4. How does it all influence the meaning of the plece?

User Icon for Anonymous 2 Anonymous 2 answered
2 years ago

We do not do your homework for you. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

User Icon for anthony34244 anthony34244 answered
2 years ago

Anonymous ur a weirdo bro just help

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

1. From the primary source, the Zimmerman telegram, it can be inferred that the purpose of this piece of literature was to communicate secret information between the German Foreign Office and the German ambassador in Mexico during World War I. The telegram suggested that if Mexico allied with Germany against the United States, Germany would assist Mexico in recovering lost territories.

2. The author, German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann, intended for his work to be taken as a confidential message to his ambassador in Mexico. The telegram was meant to be used for diplomatic negotiations and as a secret plan for potential military collaboration.

3. Zimmermann's intention in the telegram was not necessarily to be either controversial or calming. Rather, it was intended to be secretive and persuasive in convincing Mexico to join forces with Germany. The tone of the telegram can be seen as assertive and calculated, rather than controversial or calming.

4. The influence of the Zimmerman telegram on its meaning is significant. It reveals Germany's desire to weaken the United States and divert its attention from the European theater of war. The telegram's content, especially its proposal of a military alliance between Germany and Mexico, had a profound impact on diplomatic relations during World War I. It ultimately contributed to the United States' decision to enter the war on the side of the Allies.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

To answer these questions about the primary source, the Zimmerman telegram, we need to understand what it is and analyze its content.

1. The Zimmerman telegram was a coded message sent in 1917 by Arthur Zimmerman, the German Foreign Secretary, to the German ambassador in Mexico during World War I. From this primary source, we can infer that the purpose of this piece of literature was to propose an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States.

2. To understand how the author intended his work to be taken and used, we can analyze the content of the telegram. By proposing an alliance against the United States, it suggests that the author wanted to incite Mexico to join Germany's side in the war. The author likely intended for the message to be delivered discreetly and secretly, in order to not alert other nations to this proposal.

3. It is difficult to determine whether the author intended to be controversial or calming without further historical context or information about the author's motives. However, considering the timeframe and the fact that it was a secret message proposing a potentially inflammatory alliance, it can be inferred that the author intended to be controversial and provoke a reaction.

4. The content of the Zimmerman telegram significantly influences its meaning. By proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States, it reveals Germany's desperation to win the war by any means necessary, even potentially involving other nations. This document played a vital role in shaping public opinion in the United States and eventually played a part in the decision of the United States to join World War I alongside the Allies.

In order to gather specific details and contextual information related to these questions, it is always recommended to consult additional historical sources, primary or secondary, that can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the Zimmerman telegram and its historical significance.