1. The law that allows the public to request access to most documents in the possession of federal

agencies is known as the
(1 point)
Freedom of Information Act.
Government in the Sunshine Act.
Equal Access to Justice Act.
Privacy Act.
2. What type of corporation does not return dividends or profits to shareholders? (1 point)
close corporation
nonprofit corporation
professional corporation
public corporation
3. An oral testimony given under oath by a party or witness prior to trial is a(n) (1 point)
mental examination.
4. Which federal agency is responsible for enforcing the majority of consumer safety laws? (1 point)
Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC)
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
5. In which alternative dispute resolution procedure do the parties to a dispute engage in
discussions to try to reach a voluntary settlement?
(1 point)
6. What type of intellectual property protection covers original works for an author’s life plus 70
(1 point)
inventor’s insurance
7. What type of property covers items that can be touched or felt? (1 point)
8. What type of marriage is generally not recognized until there is a dispute over property or
upon the death of one of the parties?
(1 point)
civil union
common law marriage
domestic partnership
limited liability partnership
9. Which is a lesser crime than murder and is committed recklessly or negligently? (1 point)
10. An agency is given detailed authority to issue rules similar to the power of statutes with _____
rule making.

11. Which of the following is not a requirement for a personal services contract to be valid? (1 point)
It must be in writing.
It must be supported by consideration.
It must be made by parties with contractual capacity.
It must involve the performance of something that is lawful.
12. Which is true about criminal law? (1 point)
It provides the injured party with a remedy.
It involves wrongs against individuals.
It tries to return the injured party to the same position before the injury.
It involves wrongs against society.
13. Changes to a will are made in (1 point)
the postscript.
the body.
a codicil.
a fiduciary.
14. Any law interfering with the rights of life, liberty, or property must be reasonably related to a
legitimate state interest known as
(1 point)
substantive due process.
procedural due process.
the rational basis test.
the standard basis test.
15. What is equitable distribution? (1 point)
It awards each spouse an equal share in marital assets.
It awards each spouse those assets titled in his or her name alone.
It awards each spouse an equitable or fair share of the marital assets.
It splits all assets equally between spouses.
16. The two basic elements of a crime are (1 point)
the state in which the crime occurred and the court system under which it is tried.
the guilty state of mind and the physical act.
the mental capacity of the criminal and the physical location of the crime.
the physical act of the crime and the victim of the crime.
17. During a(n) _____, attorneys summarize the main factual and legal issues of the case and
describe why they believe their client's position is valid.
closing statement
direct examination
opening statement
18. Courts often order DNA testing in _____ cases to determine a child’s biological father. (1 point)
19. Confidentiality may be waived if the information (1 point)
could prevent a future crime.
will waive a law team’s faith in their client’s honesty.
could change the jurors’ final verdict.
reveals a conflict of interest.
20. By allowing your neighbor to use a private road through your property in order for him to
access his property, you are granting him
(1 point)
an easement.
adverse possession.
a license.
a life estate.
21. If an appellate court believes there were no errors in application of the procedural law or the
substantive law, it will
(1 point)
affirm the lower court’s decision.
reverse the lower court’s decision.
remand the lower court’s decision.
send back the lower court’s decision.
22. Before judicial ruling for an agency takes place, administrative roles should be ripe and pertain
to the involved
(1 point)
circuit courts.
23. The middle layer in the American court system is made up of (1 point)
civil courts.
criminal courts.
appellate courts.
supreme courts.
24. Employers must comply with federal and state tax laws requiring (1 point)
withholding of income taxes and contributions to other federal funds.
employees to file tax returns.
withholding of medical benefits if the employee is not eligible to pay taxes.
employers to provide benefits.
25. Which court makes decisions regarding the wills of people who have died? (1 point)
district court
probate court
family court
superior court
26. Which is true about online research? (1 point)
The sources may not be reliable.
Databases are easy to search for complicated queries.
Legal resources are very limited online.
It is less efficient than traditional paper-based methods.
27. Strict liability is (1 point)
liability determined by fault.
liability without fault.
an intentional tort.
28. What type of business often pays similar taxes as that of a sole proprietorship or a partnership,
depending on whether there are one or more members?
(1 point)
domestic corporation
limited liability company
nonprofit corporation
professional corporation
29. What is not a requirement of a valid marriage? (1 point)
license application
ceremony performed by a pastor
blood test
recorded license
30. If a testator leaves a specific car for someone in the will, but by the time the testator dies, that
car has been sold, the doctrine of ademption requires that
(1 point)
the beneficiary gets nothing.
the beneficiary gets the cash equivalent.
the beneficiary gets a car, if one is in the residuary clause.
the will is voided.
31. The _____ monitors safety in the workplace. (1 point)
Americans with Disabilities Act
Attorney General
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
32. What type of employment permits an employer to discharge any employee for any or no
(1 point)
at-will employment
collective bargaining
contractual employment
union-negotiated employment
33. Which is the supreme law of the United States? (1 point)
federal law
the Constitution
executive order
U.S. common law
34. With a life estate, property may revert back to another party after the owner’s death and not to
easement user.
owner’s heirs.
35. The Bill of Rights guarantees certain fundamental rights to natural persons and protects these
rights from
(1 point)
freedom of speech.
due process.
intrusive U.S. government action.
intrusive government action abroad.
36. An independent adoption occurs when (1 point)
a grandmother has her granddaughter on weekends.
adoptive parents find a child through an adoption agency.
the biological parents choose the adoptive parents.
an adopted child is over the age of 15.
37. A(n) _____ of the executive or legislative branches of government permits the formation of an
administrative agency.
(1 point)
administrative deed
enabling act
administrative contact
legislative doctrine
38. Sale proceeds from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy are split among (1 point)
deed holders.
39. A _____ alleges that even if the facts as presented in the plaintiff's complaint are true, there is
no reason to continue the lawsuit.
(1 point)
motion for summary judgment
motion for judgment on the pleadings
motion to dismiss
40. Bankruptcy proceedings protect the rights of creditors to (1 point)
exempt assets in possession of the debtor.
nonexempt assets in possession of the debtor.
a repayment plan

User Icon for Lara sampson Lara sampson answered
3 years ago

Help please Need answers really bad

User Icon for Alanna Guillen Alanna Guillen answered
3 years ago

Help need today

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
3 years ago

any boddy got answers

User Icon for samon samon answered
3 years ago

can i get the answer

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

1. The law that allows the public to request access to most documents in the possession of federal agencies is known as the Freedom of Information Act. To find the answer to this question, you can search for "law that allows public access to federal agency documents" or something similar. The search results should provide information about the Freedom of Information Act.

2. The type of corporation that does not return dividends or profits to shareholders is a nonprofit corporation. To find the answer to this question, you can search for "type of corporation that does not return profits to shareholders." The search results should provide information about nonprofit corporations.

3. An oral testimony given under oath by a party or witness prior to trial is called a deposition. To find the answer to this question, you can search for "oral testimony given under oath prior to trial." The search results should provide information about depositions.

4. The federal agency responsible for enforcing the majority of consumer safety laws is the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). To find the answer to this question, you can search for "federal agency responsible for consumer safety laws." The search results should provide information about the CPSC.

5. In the alternative dispute resolution procedure where the parties engage in discussions to try to reach a voluntary settlement, it is called mediation. To find the answer to this question, you can search for "alternative dispute resolution procedure for voluntary settlement." The search results should provide information about mediation.

(To be continued...)