During the 1300s, which European activity both contributed to and suffered because of the events described in the excerpt?

competition for land in the Americas

Roman Catholic religious zeal

Spanish succession disputes

D. ****
foreign trade with Asia
Boccaccio provides evidence to support which conclusion about Renaissance Europe?

A dramatic decline in population spurred more social mobility and economic opportunity.

Ongoing wars of conquest enriched the nobility and solidified the power of ruling dynasties.

The widespread death and suffering sowed religious doubts and undermined religious authority.

Competition among powerful monarchies destroyed feudal estates and spurred waves of rural-to-urban migration.
Which conclusion about Europe in the fifteenth century does the excerpt best support?

Monarchs used their wealth to expand their territory and power.

Alliances among neighboring rulers enabled joint economic ventures.

C. *****
Kingdoms lacked sufficient resources to mount large-scale military ventures.

A weakening Catholic Church encouraged greater official religious tolerance.
The term Santa Fe means “holy faith.” What does this name and the excerpt suggest about Spanish exploits in the fifteenth century?

Missionary ideals were the driving force behind the Spanish Inquisition in Europe.

Spanish rulers used religious sentiment to promote goals and justify the Reconquista.

Spanish economic influence expanded through foreign holy wars and military conquest.

Competition between religious and secular leaders divided Spain into multiple kingdoms.
Why did Ferdinand and Isabella MOST LIKELY pursue the goals reflected by the excerpt?

to fund voyages of exploration to the Americas

to make Spain the seat of the Church rather than Italy

to gain access to Mediterranean and African trade routes

to end the practice of slavery and the slave trade in Muslim lands
The geographic conditions of which region would have best supported the culture of the Native American people described in this excerpt?

New England

the Southwest

the Great Plains

Florida Panhandle
Based on the excerpt, why might some Native Americans have been willing to trade with newly encountered Europeans?

They sought new allies in ongoing tribal disputes.

They had established trade networks among themselves.

They were used to moving around and meeting strangers.

They lacked sufficient resources to support their populations.
Which conclusion does the excerpt MOST CLEARLY support?

Native Americans developed barter rather than money economies.

Native Americans used natural, local materials to build settlements.

Native Americans lacked the technology to travel far from their villages.

Native Americans depended on trade for food, clothing, and other needs.
Which city and people does the excerpt describe?

the Incan people living in Cuzco

the Mayan people living in Tikal

the Aztec people living in Tenochtitlán

the Mississippian people living in Cahokia
In which geographic region was the civilization described in the excerpt located?

Andes Mountains

Central Mexico

Guatemalan Highlands

Mississippi River Valley
Why did Hernán Cortés MOST LIKELY record the details in the excerpt?

He wanted to better understand the native culture.

He was interested in the wealth of the native people.

He feared the native civilization posed a threat to Spain.

He hoped to start a new life among the native population.
Which of the following BEST describes the results of Hernán Cortés’s interactions with the civilization described?

He conquered the city, decimating the native population.

He converted most of the native population to Christianity.

He accepted gold from the city’s rulers, cementing an alliance.

He rebuilt the city after the native people abandoned the location.
Which innovation made the food production described in the excerpt possible?

extensive road systems

earthen mounds

floating gardens

terraced fields
What does this passage suggest about the impact of the Columbian Exchange that developed in the 1500s?

It encouraged colonization of the Americas.

It served to benefit mercantilist powers in Europe.

It lessened competition among European monarchs.

It provided new economic opportunities for Native Americans.
Which significant part of the economic system described in the excerpt does Smith omit?

the import of European diseases to the Americas

the import of spices from the East Indies to Europe

the export of Africans as slave labor to the Americas

the export of cash crops from the Americas to Europe
How did the transatlantic exchange of unfamiliar foods most directly affect European society?

A rising merchant class threatened the power of absolute monarchs.

An expanded food supply helped increase the European population.

Exposure to native culture encouraged Renaissance thinking in Europe.

Trade in food goods lowered the economic influence of European farmers.
How did the system of exchange described in the excerpt impact Native Americans?

The introduction of writing fostered trade and growth.

Irrigation farming let them build permanent settlements.

Many of them integrated horses into their cultures and economies.

New kinds of tools helped them build temples and mounds.
Which conclusion does the passage BEST support?

The Columbian Exchange extracted raw materials from the Americas to fuel the growth of European industry.

The Columbian Exchange resulted in an exchange of technology and ideas that fueled global economic growth.

The Columbian Exchange represented the first example of worldwide free trade through unrestricted competition.

The Columbian Exchange provided for the sharing of resources across multiple continents toward their mutual benefit.
(a) In 1-2 sentences, identify ONE way in which this excerpt reflects the close relationship between the culture of the Maya and their natural environment.

(b) In 3-4 sentences, explain ONE way in which the existence of The Popol Vuh relates to the complexity of pre-European native civilizations in the Americas. (Don't give me an answer to this, rather give me some information that can easily guide me to writing an excellent answer to both of these questions)
P.S. If you could give me info. and check if my answers are right/ tell me the answer to each question along with how you got that answer, that would be great. I am delegating this to you guys as I have other responsibilities. I also did some of it myself

User Icon for rg rg answered
4 years ago

Oh yeah I forgot these:

In the 1560s, Sir Humphrey Gilbert proposed a plan to search for the Northwest Passage. Later, he devised schemes to colonize North America and upset Spanish, Portuguese, and French fishing operations in the region. In 1583, to this end, he established the English colony of Newfoundland. How do these events and the account of Gilbert’s 1583 voyage reflect the influence of competition among European nations on exploration and colonization of the Americas?
Evaluate the extent to which Spanish exploration and colonization affected native peoples in the Americas. Using the excerpt above, answer (a), (b), and (c).

(a) How does Bartolomé de Las Casas describe initial and ongoing contacts between the Spanish and native peoples? Your response should be 4-6 sentences in length.

(b) What motivations does Las Casas ascribe to Spanish conquerors and settlers? Your response should be 4-6 sentences in length.

(c) How do you think the goals of the Spanish shaped their relations with and treatment of native peoples? Your response should be 4-6 sentences in length.
for the writing ones just give info to guide me to the answer boi

User Icon for rg rg answered
4 years ago

did this question just get removed... hol' up....

User Icon for Anna Anna answered
3 years ago

what were the rest of the answers????

User Icon for 🤑 🤑 answered
3 years ago

were the answers right?

User Icon for Gaia Gaia answered
3 years ago

1-The spread of smallpox

2-Foreign trade with Asia
3-A dramatic decline in population spurred more social mobility and economic opportunity
4-Monarchs used their wealth to expand their territory and power
5-Spanish rulers used religious sentiment to promote goals to justify Reconquista
6-To gain access to the Mediterranean and African trade routes
7-New england
8-They had established trade networks among themselves
9-Native americans used natural, local materials to build settlements
10-The aztec people living in Tenochtitlan
11-Central Mexico
12-He was interested in the wealth of the native people
13-He conquered the city, decimating the native population
14-Floating gardens
15-It served to benefit mercantilist powers in europe
16-The import of africans as slave labor to the americas
17-An expanded food supply helped increase the european population
18-Many of them integrated horses into their cultures and economies
19-The columbian exchange extracted raw materials from the americas to fuel the growth of european industry
20- Find the connection between the natives giving animals human characteristics and their respect for nature. ur on ur own
21-Write abt how competition made them all want the americas- for god, glory, and gold, ur on ur own
22-write about how the spanish decimated the native pop by being ruthless killers/theives/enslavers, and how their quest for gold made them forget god/humanity. ur on ur own


User Icon for Mrs. APUSH TEACHER Mrs. APUSH TEACHER answered
3 years ago

Those of you who are copying answers off of this site are showing your true characters. Read your book and THINK. If you can't do this, you probably shouldn't be in APUSH.

User Icon for WGE WGE answered
3 years ago

First of all, "Mrs. APUSH TEACHER," you're probably a kid, just like us. Second, you're on this website, JUST LIKE US. Third, you aren't using your book either which is why you're on this website. Fourth, YOU ARE JUST LIKE US.

User Icon for boba boba answered
2 years ago

are the answers correct?

User Icon for lolz lolz answered
2 years ago

all correct

User Icon for joint custody joint custody answered
2 years ago

Ratio L bozo

User Icon for Human Human answered
2 years ago

Gaia is 100% correct

User Icon for gang gang answered
2 years ago

yo teacher bro youre a nerd if you assigned this assignment

User Icon for jiskha jiskha answered
2 years ago

hell nah homeboy bruh

my true. charector
I have a book?
wow who wrote this book about me lol

anonymous anonymous answered
1 year ago

elaborate on number 20 please :)