Which of the following most accurately describes the difference between climate and weather?

A. Climate refers to long-term conditions; weather refers to daily conditions.
B. Climate refers to severe weather events; weather refers to precipitation.
C. Climate refers to landforms; weather refers to average conditions over time.
D. Climate and weather roughly refer to the same thing. 2. Which of the following are impacts that the temperate climate has had on Georgia’s development?
A. diminished the ability to grow crops
B. encouraged residents to move to other locations
C. attracted military bases to be installed across the state
D. decreased tourism and overall population
3. What impact did climate have on the settlement of Georgia?
A. Few settlers stayed in Georgia due to frequent droughts.
B. Georgia was believed to have a good climate for growing valuable crops.
C. The lack of rainfall prevents crops from growing across the state.
D. Harsh winters caused many settlers to move to other areas.
4 Which has an effect on Georgia’s climate?
A. geographic location
B. discovery of coal in northwest Georgia
C. abundance of minerals
D. types of crops grown
5 Which of the following terms describes the regular flow of air that blows from the west to the northwest and assists sailing ships traveling from Europe to America?
A. jet stream
B. climate
C. current
D. trade winds
6 Which tool is used to predict the occurrence of tornadoes? A. Saffir-Simpson scale
B. enhanced Fujita scale
C. levee
D. Doppler radar
7 Which Georgia region is the only source of coal in the state?
A. the Appalachian Plateau
B. the Valley and Ridge region
C. the Blue Ridge Mountains
D. the Upper Coastal Plain
8Which two regions are Georgia a part of? Select all that apply.
A. Midwest
B. South
C. Sunbelt
D. Northeast
9 Which Georgia region runs in a series of folds from west to east across the northern part of the state?
A. the Appalachian Plateau
B. the Ridge and Valley region
C. the Piedmont
D. the Coastal Plain
10Which of the following regions was once covered by the ocean and currently makes up approximately 60% of Georgia’s land? A. the Appalachian Plateau B. the Coastal Plain C. the Piedmont D. the Blue Ridge Mountains

User Icon for lin is daddy lin is daddy answered
4 years ago



i got a 100

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
3 years ago

Lin is still correct in 2021

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
3 years ago

it is

User Icon for .. .. answered
1 year ago

lin is wrong in 2022 i got a 63

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

1. A. Climate refers to long-term conditions; weather refers to daily conditions.

To understand the difference between climate and weather, we need to consider the time frame. Climate refers to the long-term weather patterns and conditions in a particular area, including factors like temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns. It is the average weather patterns over a period of time, usually decades or longer. Weather, on the other hand, refers to the daily or short-term conditions in a specific location, such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind conditions. It is the instantaneous or current atmospheric conditions at a given time.

2. C. attracted military bases to be installed across the state.

To understand the impacts of the temperate climate on Georgia's development, we need to consider the characteristics of a temperate climate. A temperate climate is generally mild and moderate, with distinct seasons. In Georgia, the temperate climate has attracted military bases to be installed across the state. This is because the moderate climate is suitable for training and operations throughout the year.

3. B. Georgia was believed to have a good climate for growing valuable crops.

To understand the impact of climate on the settlement of Georgia, we need to consider the climate conditions at that time. Georgia's climate was believed to have a good climate for growing valuable crops. This attracted settlers who were interested in agriculture and saw the potential for successful farming. The favorable climate conditions played a role in the decision to settle in Georgia.

4. A. geographic location.

To understand the factors that affect Georgia's climate, we need to consider various factors. One of the significant factors is the geographic location of a place. Georgia's location, specifically in the southeastern part of the United States, influences its climate. Being located near the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, Georgia experiences a maritime climate with relatively mild winters and hot, humid summers. The proximity to large bodies of water influences the temperature, humidity, and precipitation patterns in the region.

5. D. trade winds.

To understand the term for the regular flow of air that blows from the west to the northwest and assists sailing ships traveling from Europe to America, we need to consider the different types of wind patterns. The regular flow of air described in the question is known as trade winds. Trade winds, which blow from east to west in the tropics, were historically important for sailing ships traveling from Europe to America. These winds facilitated navigation and trade across the Atlantic Ocean.

6. D. Doppler radar.

To understand the tool used to predict the occurrence of tornadoes, we need to consider the various tools and technologies used in meteorology. Doppler radar is the tool commonly used to track and predict tornadoes. Doppler radar uses the Doppler effect to measure the motion of precipitation particles in the atmosphere. By analyzing the changes in the frequency of the radar waves reflected off the moving particles, meteorologists can identify regions of rotation and potential tornado development.

7. A. the Appalachian Plateau.

To understand the region in Georgia that is the only source of coal, we need to consider the geological features of the state. The Appalachian Plateau region in Georgia is the only source of coal in the state. This region is part of the larger Appalachian Mountains and contains coal reserves.

8. B. South and C. Sunbelt.

To understand the regions that Georgia is a part of, we need to consider the broader regional classifications in the United States. Georgia is a part of the South region and the Sunbelt region. The South region refers to the southeastern part of the United States, while the Sunbelt region encompasses states in the southern and southwestern parts of the country, known for their warm climate and population growth.

9. B. the Ridge and Valley region.

To understand the region in Georgia that runs in a series of folds from west to east across the northern part of the state, we need to consider the geological features. The Ridge and Valley region is the Georgia region that runs in a series of folds from west to east across the northern part of the state. This region is characterized by long ridges and parallel valleys, formed by the folding and faulting of rocks over geological time.

10. B. the Coastal Plain.

To understand the region in Georgia that was once covered by the ocean and currently makes up approximately 60% of Georgia's land, we need to consider the geological history of the state. The Coastal Plain region in Georgia was once covered by the ocean and currently makes up approximately 60% of Georgia's land area. This region is characterized by flat, low-lying terrain and sandy soil.