what conclusion can you draw about jason from the dialouge in line 10 in a surprising point of view

A. Jason procrastinate doing his schoolwork.
B. Jason and Ms. Smith have. good relationship
C. Jason is one of the best students.
D.Jason is embarrassed to talk to Ms. Smith

2) stage directions are one element of drama. In a Paragraph, define and provide an example of stage directions from ( A surprising Point of view). Then analyze the stage directions. Explain how these directions contribute to your understanding of (a surprising point of view). Support your answer with evidence.

A Surprising Point of View: A Television Play in Two Acts

(in order of appearance)

1. JASON: a boy of about 14. He is a student in Ms. Smith’s English class. He regularly misbehaves in order to get attention, and he doesn’t apply himself to his schoolwork.

2. THE CLASS: 25 seventh-graders, male and female, also in Ms. Smith’s class.

3. MS. SMITH: a woman about 45 years of age. She is a well-respected, experienced middle-school English teacher.

Act One

Fade in.

INT. of classroom-Full Shot

4. [Ms. Smith’s English class at a large middle school. The hallway can be seen through the open classroom door.]

5. [As the action begins, students are seated in their desks, but their attention is on Jason, who is entering the classroom a little late and intentionally trips over a stack of books by one student’s desk. The class laughs. Jason grins broadly.]

Angle on Ms. Smith

6. MS. SMITH: [cautioning in a patient voice and casting a disapproving look toward Jason] Jason, come here right now.

7. [Ms. Smith moves to the hallway just outside of the classroom.]

8. [Jason moves to the hallway just outside of the classroom and faces Ms. Smith. He begins to look more serious as he approaches her. Seeing a warning look from Ms. Smith, the other students look down at their desks and get busy with schoolwork.]

INT. of hallway-Full Shot

9. JASON: [with a meek smile] Sorry about that, Ms. Smith.

10. MS. SMITH: [glossing over his misbehavior and adopting a serious tone as she hands Jason a piece of paper] Yes, OK. So, tell me your plan for the project. Have you consulted this project list yet? You really need to quit putting this off. You’re the only one without approval on your project idea, and the project is due in two weeks.

11. [Jason scans the project list.]

12. JASON: [uncomfortable and groping for a response] Umm…I guess I’ll do the video.

13. MS. SMITH: [pressing for more information, using a controlled voice] What kind of video did you have in mind?

14. [Jason stands there, shifting from foot to foot uneasily.]

15. JASON: [vague and hesitant] I guess I could reenact a scene from the novel I read, “The Call of the Wild.”

Angle on Ms. Smith

16. MS. SMITH: [somewhat stern] Could you be a bit more specific? Which scene do you plan to use?

Angle on Jason

17. JASON: [stammering] I think I should look at the book again to be sure which part is best.

Angle on Ms. Smith

18. MS. SMITH: [explaining tolerantly] Yes, Jason, I think perhaps you should do precisely that. Don’t forget, this project counts as a test grade. I don’t have to remind you that if you want to avoid going to summer school, you need to bring up your grades to make up for your lackluster performance last semester.

Angle on Jason

19. JASON: [humbling, turning to enter the classroom] Yes, ma’am.

Fade out.

Act Two

Fade In.

INT. of classroom-Full Shot

20. [Ms. Smith’s English class, two weeks later. The desks have been arranged into a semicircle to allow presentation in the center. A large television has been positioned on Ms. Smith’s desk in the front center of the room.]

21. [As the act begins, nervous energy is pumping through the students as the last presentation, Jason’s, is about to be made. The students eye Jason expectantly as he takes his place front and center. Ms. Smith is positioned on a high-legged chair at the back center of the room, ready to score the presentation.]

22. MS. SMITH: [giving Jason a hopeful smile] you may begin, Jason.

Angle on Jason

23. JASON: [facing the class and speaking knowledgeably, as though well-prepared] My project is about the main character from “The Call of the Wild.” Since Ms. Smith is always talking about the elements of fiction, I figure I’d focus on Buck’s point of view.

Angle on Ms. Smith

24. [Ms. Smith, writing on a score sheet, looks up, surprised, when she hears her name and Jason’s mention of point of view.]

Angle on Jason

25. JASON: [continuing confidently] Now, for those of you thinking a dog can’t have a viewpoint on things, I remind you that pets let us know their feelings. They sense things and react – like we do, I guess. So I figured I’d show Buck’s reaction to being stolen from his home – “doggie-napped” is what I call it-and I’ll show what it was like, from Buck’s point of view, for him to be taught the “law of club and fang.”

26. [Camera pans faces of students in class. They look intently at the television on Ms. Smith’s desk as Jason shows the video of his “The Call of the Wild” presentation. As the video ends, the class erupts into enthusiastic applause.]

Angle on Ms. Smith

27. MS. SMITH: [smiling broadly with approval] Well, Jason, I’d say you’ve done an excellent and very creative job of meeting the project requirements. By holding a camera low to the ground and moving with quick, darting motions like a dog in captivity, you have effectively portrayed Chapter I from Buck’s point of view.

Full Shot

28. [A bell rings, and Ms. Smith dismisses the class. The students quickly grab their things and exit the classroom, but Ms. Smith asks Jason to remain behind.]

Angle on Ms. Smith

29. MS. SMITH: [with a twinkle in her eye] Now, Jason, you know what this successful presentation means, don’t you?

Angle on Jason

30. JASON: [eyes searching Ms. Smith’s face] Umm…you know I can do my work from now on?

Angle on Ms. Smith

31. MS. SMITH: [with a slight smile] No, I always knew you could do the work. Now you know you can do the work.

Angle on Jason

32. JASON: [smiling and speaking with an air of confidence] Thanks, Ms. Smith.

33. [Jason grabs his backpack and heads out the door.]

Fade Out.

1. What purpose might you set for reading the list of characters in A Surprising Point of View?

A. to complete a task
B. to make a decision
C. to gain understanding
D. to be inspired

User Icon for Mr. Clean Mr. Clean answered
4 years ago

Please I need this answer soon!

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
4 years ago

I’ll be happy to check your answers.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

To determine the conclusion that can be drawn about Jason from the dialogue in line 10 of "A Surprising Point of View," we need to analyze the conversation between Jason and Ms. Smith. In line 10, Ms. Smith asks Jason about his plan for the project and mentions that he is the only one without approval on his project idea. This suggests that Jason has been procrastinating and not taking his schoolwork seriously. Therefore, the conclusion that can be drawn from the dialogue in line 10 is:

A. Jason procrastinates doing his schoolwork.

To define and provide an example of stage directions from "A Surprising Point of View" and analyze how these directions contribute to understanding, we can look at the following example from the play:

Stage Direction: [Camera pans faces of students in class. They look intently at the television on Ms. Smith’s desk as Jason shows the video of his “The Call of the Wild” presentation. As the video ends, the class erupts into enthusiastic applause.]

This stage direction describes the visual action happening on stage. It indicates that the camera (imaginary camera representing the audience's perspective) moves across the faces of the students, who are watching Jason's presentation on the television. The stage direction also mentions the reaction of the class as they applaud enthusiastically.

This stage direction contributes to the understanding of "A Surprising Point of View" by showing the students' engaged and interested response to Jason's presentation. It implies that Jason's presentation was successful and well-received, even though he is known for misbehaving and not applying himself to his schoolwork. This contributes to the surprising point of view as it challenges the initial impression of Jason and suggests that he is capable of creative and thoughtful work.