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Delinquent juveniles are those who
 (1 point)

are under seventeen years of age and commit serious traffic offenses.
are under seventeen years of age and commit serious traffic offenses.

are under eighteen years of age and have been neglected or abused by a parent or guardian.
are under eighteen years of age and have been neglected or abused by a parent or guardian.

are under seventeen years of age and who commit acts that would be crimes if they were committed by adults.
are under seventeen years of age and who commit acts that would be crimes if they were committed by adults.

are under eighteen years of age and who commit acts that would not be considered crimes if they were committed by adults
are under eighteen years of age and who commit acts that would not be considered crimes if they were committed by adults
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Note: The correct response is: are under seventeen years of age and who commit acts that would be crimes if they were committed by adults.