18. In which form do -car, -gar, and -zar verbs undergo a spelling change in the preterit and why? (select 2 answers) (4 points) Responses yo form yo form tú form tú form él/ella/usted form él/ella/usted form because I said so because I said so since Spanish is a phonetic language, the spelling change is necessary to maintain pronunciation when the preterit ending is added since Spanish is a phonetic language, the spelling change is necessary to maintain pronunciation when the preterit ending is added in order to keep there from being too many vowels together in the word

1 answer

The correct answers are:

  1. yo form
  2. since Spanish is a phonetic language, the spelling change is necessary to maintain pronunciation when the preterit ending is added

In the preterit, -car, -gar, and -zar verbs undergo spelling changes in the yo form to preserve correct pronunciation. For example, "buscar" becomes "busqué," "llegar" becomes "llegué," and "empezar" becomes "empecé." These changes help to avoid challenging consonant clusters or maintain the sound of the verb root.