On tge first question I suggest you change the arrow to a word; i.e., yields or produces or gives. Yields is the best one to use I think. I would also change the + sign to a word like "and" or write the word "plus" there. I prefer plus.
For the second one, I will write the equation with symbols and the solution undr it. Your answer is on the right track but isn't correct. Remember the law of conservation of mass. It must add up on both sides to the same.
........Cl2 + 2KBr ==> 2KCl + Br2
So 13.4 + 4.0 = 13.4 + ?
And solve for ?
18) Chlorine reacts with potassium bromide to produce potassium chloride and bromine.
A) write a chemical equation, using words, to represent the above chemical reaction.
My answer:
chlorine + potassium bromide ==> potassium chloride and bromine
( I'm pretty sure this is right)
B) Suppose 4.0 g of chlorine complete reacts with 13.4 g of potassium bromide producing 8.4 g of potassium chloride. What mass of bromine is produced?
My attempted answer: 4.0 g chlorine + 13.4 g potassium chloride ==> 17.4 bromine??
2 answers
damn if i know